Summer Wellness Tips | 19 Self Care Tips for You to Make the Most of this Summer

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Summer wellness tips, what do you think about it? What are your go-to summer self care hacks? The dark, gloomy, and cloudy weather is finally gone. I donā€™t know about you but winters make me so lazy and the weather affects my productivity horribly.

With longer days, beautiful sunrises, mesmerizing sunsets, brighter sunshine, and warmer temperatures, summer has finally arrived. Our environment affects our lifestyle. And, winters just contribute towards the ā€œlaziness-inducingā€ mood quite a little more. Summers, on the contrary, are more cheerful and enjoyable.Ā 

But, one cannot ignore the effects of scorching heat on our bodies. The rise in temperature makes it extremely uncomfortable. Thus, here are 19 summer wellness tips for you to practice and develop a better lifestyle this summer.Ā 

Summer Wellness tips | 19 Self Care Tips for You to Make the Most of this SummerĀ 


1. Stay hydrated

Well, the first tip has to be the good old wisdom about the resource that primarily drives our life. Summers are not just about the beautiful colors and merry moods. The rising temperature, being the bad guy, can easily cause dehydration. Thus, make sure you drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water every day. Take extra care by increasing your water intake when your body signals dehydration by symptoms like headache or dizziness.


2. Wear your sunscreen

Summers scream skincare. Along with following your skincare routine, it is extremely ( I repeat, extremely) important for you to use sunscreen. Whether you are going for a scheduled event or something as casual as running an errand, donā€™t skip your sunscreen. Exposing your skin to the ultraviolet rays of the sun can cause serious issues like sunburn and prematurely aged skin. Also, make sure that you donā€™t fall for these myths about skincare.Ā Ā Ā Ā 


3. Nourish your hairĀ 

Summer wellness tips are incomplete without mentioning haircare. As much as your skin, your hair needs attention too. The heat has equally damaging effects on your hair as it does on your skin. Prolonged exposure to heat can make your hair frizzy, dry, and dead. Thus, make sure you follow your haircare routine religiously. On humid days, you can also try going for some easy summer hairstyles like a loose braid, a high bun, or a slick pony.Ā Ā Ā Ā 


4. Eat the rainbowĀ 

The summer season bears colorful fruits and vegetables for your meals. From fruits, you can add watermelon, mango, grapes, cherries, and berries to your midday snacking. Some vegetables to bring color to your plate could be carrots, peas, corn, mushrooms, etc. You can also prepare different salads that require zero cooking. This also helps by avoiding excessive kitchen heat. Another option is cool summer drinks and juices to treat your taste buds.Ā 


Summer wellness tips

5. Spend time in natureĀ 

You cannot think of summer wellness tips without some nature time. Spending time in nature is a great way to support your wellness. The benefits are immense. All of us have stayed indoors for the longest. As the world is getting back to normal, we need to establish a lost connection with nature. Get back to your morning or evening walks, go for a hike, and be a visitor in your own city by exploring or re-exploring the new neighborhoods.


6. Move your bodyĀ 

The winter gloominess is gone. Summers are here with sunny days and clear skies. They make the perfect time to get your body moving. Whether you love an intense exercise session or you embrace the slow pace of activities like morning walks, jogging, or swimming, summer is the right time for all of it. Moving your body frequently isnā€™t limited to weight loss, it also includes taking care of your brain by improving your stress levels and keeping them stable.Ā Ā 


7. Reduce your screen time

We were already so engulfed by the screen time, the lockdowns have amplified the time to multiple folds. Unfortunately, our lives have become more about screen time and less about real connections around us. According to a report, a person is spending around 3 hours and 43 minutes every day on their mobiles. Increased screen time on social media ignites the feeling of self-comparison and makes it hard to stay connected with reality.Ā Ā Ā 


8. Protect your eyesĀ 

Just like our skin and hair, our eyes are also susceptible to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun in the scorching summer heat. Thus, make sure you invest in high-quality sunglasses that offer UVA and UVB rays protection to your eyes. You can also invest in hats or umbrellas when stepping out in the heat. Ideally, donā€™t rub or touch your eyes too often especially when you are sweating. This will expose your eyes to different kinds of germs and bacteria.Ā 


9. Catch up with old friendsĀ 

We are slowly and gradually getting back to our normal lifestyle. One that included getting out of the house and socializing face-to-face instead of ā€œconnectingā€ on social media. Summer wellness ideas would be so incomplete without mentioning our chosen family. This summer ditch social media and take some time off to catch up with old friends and reminisce the good old memories. Thereā€™s something about the old bonds, they donā€™t fade away.Ā Ā 


Summer wellness ideas

10. Travel againĀ 

This is in line with the previous point. Most of the places are open for tourists once again. And, whatā€™s better than a long vacation with your loved ones to make summer special? Traveling is much more than exploring. It induces a feeling of calm. Traveling releases long-stored stress by relaxing and healing your mind. And, the most important benefit of traveling is that it boosts your creativity and improves your problem-solving skills.Ā 

11. Have a sleep scheduleĀ 

Continuous lockdowns, then short and lazy winter days. Both of these have disturbed the sleep schedule of almost everyone. At least they did that to me. Irregular sleep patterns affect the body to release melatonin (the sleep-inducing hormone). Longer summer days add to the problem and delay your feeling of tiredness. Thus, use this summertime to get back into an appropriate sleep routine. Refresh and recharge your body for the rest of the year.Ā 


12. Declutter your systemsĀ 

Whether itā€™s your body, mind, or your surroundings, a regular detox is always helpful for your wellness. Ensure you perform a decluttering process more frequently to maintain a healthy lifestyle this summer. The methods to declutter are different as per the purpose but whatā€™s common is the results it brings. Decluttering brings the flow of ease you need. Your personal wellness depends a lot on your lifestyle, thus make sure it’s a priority.Ā 


13. Take a new hobbyĀ 

All of us have spent a lot of time indoors sitting in front of our televisions, laptop, and mobile screens. This summer, it’s finally time to get up and take on a new hobby. Past years have gone by under a lot of restrictions. But now as we slide back to the normal lifestyle, make it a normal summer and take up a new hobby as you would. Explore your potential, learn new skills, and invest in yourself. Allow yourself to grow beyond your boundaries.

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14. Timely self-reflectionĀ 

How can we talk about wellness without self-reflection? We all go through different journeys in life. Every new path brings out a new side of our personality. Timely self-reflection is important to understand the growth we have had so far and be grateful for it. Taking time for introspection is a powerful way of affirming what we look forward to achieving in life. Self-reflection involves both the personal and professional spheres of your life.Ā Ā 


summer wellness

15. Nurture your mental healthĀ 

Summer wellness is all about refreshing and recharging your mind. Especially this year, summer is all about rewinding and relaxing however you like. I have always believed that mental health care is personal. Two people donā€™t need to have a similar approach to self-care. Wellness is all about how you see it. So this summer, do what you love to do. Practice self-care at your pace in your way.Ā 


16. Try water activitiesĀ 

The summer heat can easily force you to stay locked and spend your days indoors. But, the heat is also the perfect excuse to become a water baby. Whether itā€™s a swimming session in the pool or a deep dive in the ocean, choose the water activities you love to do. If it’s your first time, remember you are never too old to try something new. Be open to experimenting. The cool water on these hot summer days is a blissful combination.Ā 


17. Avoid alcoholĀ Ā 

If you are serious about your health and wellness, if you truly care about yourself and the people around you, avoid alcohol. You donā€™t have to be a full-blown alcoholic to wreak havoc on your body. Alcohol is a good reason for poor food choices. A serving of alcohol contains as many as 100 calories and mixed drinks have even more of them. The goal is not just to limit the quantity of consumption but to gradually get off of it for your health’s sake.Ā 


18. Spend time with your family

You could be a workaholic all you want, but youā€™d agree that a personā€™s real strength lies in their family and the relationships they keep. Your wellness is directly linked to your familyā€™s wellness. Hence, make sure your summer wellness to-do list includes taking some time off work and for your family. Happiness is never found, you have to create it for yourself. And, whoā€™s better than your family to be happy with?Ā 


19. Finally, do nothingĀ Ā 

Remember back in childhood when summers were all about free time? Along with doing the things of your choice from the list, take some time out to do nothing. Sometimes doing nothing and just existing is enough for the day. Give yourself the time to take a step back from all your worries and throw them out of the window for once. Even if itā€™s for a day, it can do great benefits for your complete wellness.Ā 


These summer wellness tips and ideas will make it easy for you to choose what summers will look like for you this year. Whatever your plans for summer are, ensure to not compromise on your wellness.Ā 

Itā€™s about time to beat the heat and get back into the summer spirit after a long, long time.Ā 

Spend the season doing what makes you feel good about yourself. Make it a summer to remember.Ā 

Iā€™ll see you all next week.Ā 

Until you know where to find me for business inquiries or just to catch up!Ā 

Happy Summer!Ā