Ready to Build and Scale your Dream Blog in 2024?


This detailed blogging workshop will teach you the A-Z of Business Blogging without feeling overwhelmed by all the technical skills like SEO & Analytics. !

Register now to start, grow and scale your blog in 2024 & beyond!


In December 2022, I invested all my savings in my blog to transform them into a reliable source of passive income by the end of this year. 


I combined my 3 years of practical knowledge and work experience to GROW MY OWN BLOG FROM SCRATCH AND REVIVE IT FROM THE DEAD. 


In 400 Days, here’s what I achieved while working on it alone:

– My blog went from 0 to 70,000 Page View

– The monthly readership crossed +10,000.

My blogs started going VIRAL on Google.

– I’ve done 8 brand collaborations through my blog.

– Most importantly, I have started my journey of “making money while I sleep”.


And now I want to show you how I am doing all this. 


This blogging workshop has +6 hours of knowledge that will teach you everything you need to learn to build a profitable blog in the long run.

Here’s the complete breakdown of what you will learn:


Day 1: Set Up Your Blog 

How to Set Up Your Blog for Success?

– Why Should You build a blog? 

– How to create your own blog? 

– Finding Your Blogging Niche 

– Setting up Your Content Pillars 

– Finding Content Ideas  

– Creating a Content Bank


How to Research for Blogs that Rank on Google?

– Content Research Methods 

– Underrated places to gather info 

– Type of Content 

– Keyword Research

– Keyword Reserach Hacks 

– Secrets to target organic traffic based on countries 


How to Write Your Blogs? 

– Content Outline 

– Content Drafts 

– Content Writing 

– Content Editing 

– Writing Techniques

– Using (or not using) AI 


Day 2: Grow & Earn From Your Blog

How to Format Your Blog for Ranking?

– Images & Videos 

– SEO Checklist 

– SEO Tools

– Link Building Techniques I use  

– On-Page Optimisation 

– Off-Page Optimisation 


How to Promote & Monetize Your Blogs?

– A to Z of Using Pinterest to Grow Your Blog

– Using other social media platforms for blog promotions  

– Google Adsense Process & hacks 

– Other Blog Monetization Methods 


Along With Lifetime Email Support! 

Happy Bloggers from the Previous Session!

Here are all the Bonuses You Will Get: 

  1. My Proven Blog Format to Simplify Your Blogging Process. 
  2. My SEO Checklist to Rank on the 1st Page of Google as I did within Just 4 Days.
  3. 5 Viral Pin Templates that brought 1000s of Page Views to my Blog from Pinterest.  

So, what are you waiting for? 

The choice is yours.


You can either wait and ignore all the growth your blog can have in the next few months. 


Or, you can be bold and show up your goals, like I did in 2020. 


Get access to the blogging workshop today!



Happy Blogging!


Most importantly, Happy Building Your Dreams!


1. For any queries, you can reach out to me on Instagram @writtenbyshweta 

2. You will receive access to the entire folder within 24 hours of enrolling in the workshop.