Summer Season & Its Fun: 50 Things to Love About it

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It’s time to pack the woolen blankets. Summer season is knocking at your doors. Have you planned how you want to spend this summer? If not, then this blog is for you.

Although many will not agree with me, I want to say proudly that summer is my favorite season. And, this summer season, I’m all set to try out my summer bucket list ideas to create more memories and stay as active as possible. 

Summer is the perfect time to relax and have some fun. It’s the time to be merry and create the perfect memories you can cherish for a lifetime. 

Personally, I love summers. Right after the cozy (& lazy) winters, the warm sun of the summers feels like the most comfortable hug. Besides, I stay the most productive in the summers. 

Most of you may wonder why I’m so fascinated by the summer season. 

Well, most of my outings are in summer. Right from nature to the warmth of the sun, and the atmosphere, everything appears so attractive in summer.  

If you’re still wondering whether summer is a lovable season, this blog will clear all your doubts. Today, I’ve shared a list of things you’ll love about the summer season. 


Summer Season & Its Fun: 50 Things to Love About it 

Summer in different parts of the world are different. However, in my region, the summer season is the most pleasant of all. 

Every season comes with its beauty and summer is no less. Right from the splendid hues of nature to the fresh breeze and exotic weather conditions, the summer season is all about vibrancy and energy. 

Considering the amazing atmosphere of the summer season, I thought of sharing a list of things to love about this season. 

However, before I get into the details of the blog, let’s see if there’s anything special about the summer season. 


What is So Special About Summers? 

You must be wondering why I love summers out of all the seasons. Well, I can be a little biased toward summer but here are the real reasons to love summer more than the other seasons: 

  1. While in the winter, you barely see the sun, the summer is filled with bright sunny days. More sun exposure means more energy and, more energy means more activity. 
  2. After a long hot day, there’s nothing more relaxing than a shower. 
  3. Longer days in the summer season give you more time to complete your tasks. 
  4. It is the best time to go on a family vacation
  5. The summer fruits are delicious and extremely filled with nutrients. 

50 Things You’ll Love About the Summer Season 

Summer is all about radiance and energy. There’s nothing that you can’t love about summer. Right from nature to the weather conditions, summer gives you ample opportunities to make memories that you can cherish forever. 

Although summers in different parts of the world are different, it’s more or less a pleasant season to enjoy life. 

Here are the things that make you fall in love with the summer season: 

1. The soothing feeling of summer days. After the cold winters, the warm summer sun welcomes you with so much vibrance and positivity. 

2. Catch hold of your friends and throw water balloons at each other to have a blast. 

3. Lay on a blanket at night and stare at the stars. This stargazing moment in the silent atmosphere of the night will transcend you into some other world. 

4. The summer evenings are the most beautiful. To celebrate these evenings, blow bubbles. 

5. Organize a car wash along with all your friends. On the outside, washing a car is a boring activity. The only way to make it interesting is to do it with all your friends. 

6. Grab some colorful sidewalk chalk and create your favorite designs on the pavement. Make sure to not get stuck in some legal issue. 

7. Put on your favorite dress and go to any festival. It’s a great way to freshen your mind. 

8. Frisbee and Holahoop are two of my favorite summer games. Try these and let me know if you’ve enjoyed playing them. 

9. Summer season and water parks go hand in hand. So, grab tickets to your favorite waterpark and make your day. Pro tip: Go with your friends to make the most of it. 

10. Go on a road trip. The weather of the summer season is so pleasant that traveling during this time is indeed a memorable experience. 

11. Visit the beach in the summer to view sunrise and sunset. These are the times to capture the best-unfiltered pictures. 

12. If you’re an enthusiast of collecting pebbles of different colors and designs like me, the summer season is the perfect time for this! 

13. Grab your canvas, pencils, and color palette, sit amidst nature, and create beautiful still-life art. 

14. Plan an outdoor picnic with your cousins. Ask your cousins to carry some outdoor sports accessories like badminton rackets, cricket bats, balls, etc. 

15. Since summer is a hot season, running through a sprinkler is sure to be super fun and relaxing. 

16. Spend the summer dawn in a session of relaxing yoga. To escalate the calming feeling, you can practice yoga on a sea beach.

17. Head to the beach and make sand castles. Sometimes, it feels good to bring the inner child in you to the forefront. 

18. Go to the playground in the evening and sit on a swing. Feel the summer breeze in full swing! 

19. Gather rocks and start painting on them like my niece has done here

20. How about having some me-time on a cruise? Imagine yourself in the middle of a wide blue sea. The stillness of the water and the cool summer breeze is sure to create an embalming effect on your mind. 

21. Enjoy a breakfast in a pool. While you swim, you can eat some energy-giving and protein-rich foods. 

22. If you’re a cooking enthusiast, you can prepare a platter of colorful kebabs. 

23. Make a fruit salad at home. Summer season is a time of ample colorful fruits. Combine them all, sprinkle some black salt, and consume it. Trust me, it’s healthy and super tasty!

24. Feed some stray animals. Since the summer season doesn’t come along with the weather constraints, you can easily stay out to feed animals. 

25. There’s an immense joy in riding a Ferris Wheel. Even if you don’t have one, never mind. Rent one for a day and have the best experience.

26. Stay up all night, watch the sunrise, and indulge in some sungazing. Truly, nature has so much to offer you! 

27. Watch lighting bugs. It’s a pleasure to see them glow here and there. Besides, it’s said that lighting bugs bring good luck. You never know what’s in store for you for the future. 

28. The summer season is the perfect time to eat a snowball. Trust me, you will like doing this in the scorching heat. 

29. If you have a habit of journaling, try doing it outside in the summer season. 

30. One of my favorite activities to do in the summer season is to rest in my backyard hammock and read a good book

31. How about preparing a delightful healthy smoothie in the morning? It’s healthy, tummy-filling, and improves your skin. 

32. I love following a thorough skincare routine in the summer season. You can practice this for healthy plumpy skin. It includes a gentle cleanser, followed by a toner, then a moisturizer. Isn’t it simple? Only three steps to getting glowing skin! 

33. Visit a Renaissance festival. It’ll give you a new awakening. You’ll feel like starting afresh and with a lot of positive energy. 

34. The summer season is all about visiting the seabeach. How about collecting some seashells? These are beautiful. 

35. If you have a bike, decorate it beautifully and go on a ride. 

36. Visit your nearby malls on a summer evening. It’s not necessary to buy every time you’re in a shopping mall. This small outing declutters your mind and allows you to be more creative. 

37. Summer is all about wearing linen clothes. These are super comfortable and breathable. 

38. Most yacht parties are hosted in the summer season. So, put on a linen dress and dance at a yacht party. 

39. The summer season allows you to go for face painting. It’s a good way to try out something new. 

40. Go for berry-picking in the summer season. During this time, the berries are fully ripe and they taste the sweetest. Further, consuming berries is a great way to get some antioxidants and fiber. 

41. Kayaking in summer is a great sport to try. Either you can go in a pair of two or handle the boat single-handedly. 

42. Dressing beachy is another thing that makes me fall in love with summer again and again. 

43. Next summer pleasure is kite flying. It looks so soothing to see the blue sky filled with colorful kites all over. 

44. Have you thought of sleeping with windows open in the summer? If not, then please do it. The cool breeze at night makes you sleep better

45. The summer season is all about an abundant supply of cherry tomatoes. Consider adding them to your pizzas with some burrito cheese to get the longest and Instagram-worthy cheese pull. 

46. My happiest moment of the summer season is wearing skirts. Right after the winter bids adieu, the first thing I do is take out all my flared, floral skirts from the closet. 

47. Think of campfires in the summer seasons. Doesn’t it make a perfect weekend plan? 

48. Go for a tea date alone in the summer. I prefer tea to coffee. Also, coffee heats your body. So, it won’t be a good option for the summer. 

49. Playing beach balls is another activity that you can do only in the summer. 

50. The colorful produce of the summer is sure to make you start eating healthy. Right from the orangish hues of the carrots to the fresh green vegetables, everything looks so fresh and tastes so delightful. 


While the summer season is on its way, prepare yourself to make the most of the season. 

Because, once it gets over, you’ll have to wait for another year for its arrival. 

I hope this list of things to love about summer will change your mind. Even if you’re not a fan of summer, I hope this list will at least bring the summer season to your liking list.