How to be Patient in Life? 11 Simple Ways to Build It

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This generation craves everything at the tip of your fingers. Unfortunately, most people have forgotten the importance of being patient in life. Everyone is in a hurry and it seems difficult to wait. So here in this blog, I am sharing how to be patient in life and learn to value its sweet pain. After all, patience comes with practice and not by genes. 

The digital age has made it so easy for information to travel. This quickness has somehow affected people’s capacity to be patient in other aspects of their lives. 

You can find most things in a jiffy, just with a click.

So, to justify you cannot really blame yourself for being impatient. 

Instead, let’s accept that things are easier now. Your life is more convenient now. 

Not only youngsters but even the elder generation has also lost their virtue of patience. As they are also into getting things easily. 

To understand how to be patient, it is important to know the real meaning of this word. 

So, let’s help you do that first. 


 How to be Patient in Life? 11 Simple Ways to Build It

Patience is what allows you to accept difficult situations with calmness and good understanding; without being overwhelmed, stressed, or frustrated.

Remember, “Patience is not just the art of waiting, Patience is the art of waiting with the right attitude”. 


Is Patience a Skill? 

Learning how to be patient is not an obligation. It’s a life skill that you must acquire as you move forward in life. 

I sincerely believe life has a way of teaching us the simplest life lessons in the most unique way. 

For example, I am the eldest daughter in my family and the first granddaughter too. Even though I come from a humble, middle-class family. I remember my grandfather fulfilling all my wishes. 

He left us too soon. I was just 13. That was the first time I tasted life’s bitterness. 

But, even after him, my parents continued the same. My parents have done their best to always fulfill my dreams and wishes. 

This not only spoiled me for their love but it also made me impatient, until the next best thing happened to me. I fell in love. 

But, God decided to put us in a long-distance relationship

It has been 10 long years and this relationship has taught me the A to Z of being patient in life. 

Your love life and your lifestyle are codependent. This is why I have also experienced how my romantic relationship has taught me the value of patience in life. 

Learning how to be patient has also created a ripple effect that has impacted the other areas of my life. 

Here’s how being patient helps you: 

  • Practicing patience allows you to stay calm which will reduce your stress level in challenging situations.
  • Patience lets you be more informed and thoughtful about your choices, giving better results.
  • Patience strengthens your relationships and builds better understanding. 
  • Patience reduces your anxiety and lets you worry less about things that are beyond your control.
  • Patience allows you to actively listen to different perspectives.
  • Patience improves your problem-solving skills and helps you to build a solution-oriented approach with creativity.
  • Patience allows you to accept different situations and understand others’ perspectives with respect. 
  • Patience makes you more flexible, open to change, and easily adaptable to situations.
  • Patience will let you live in the moment.
  • Patience promotes harmony and prevents conflicts.
  • Patience helps you boost your self-esteem.
  • Patience contributes to your overall well-being and happiness.
  • Patience helps you understand your emotions and enables self-control. 

Now that you know why patience is important let’s dive into 11 simple ways that can help you practice patience in your everyday life. 

How to Be Patient in Life? 

Though my relationship has taught me all the patience I have in myself today, here are some ways you can build it in yourself. 


1. Start with Small Steps

Begin by setting achievable goals. Break down big tasks into smaller ones and make them easier to handle. 

When you achieve each small goal, it boosts your confidence and patience to tackle the next one. 

So, take each step at a time by breaking your bigger goals into smaller ones.


2. Take a Breath

When you’re feeling overwhelmed or impatient, take a moment to breathe deeply. 

Focusing on your breath calms your mind and helps you stay patient even in tough situations. 

This will also help you to think before you react. 


3. Practice Acceptance

Understand that some things are beyond your control. 

Instead of getting frustrated, accept the situation and focus on what you can change. 

We knew we could do nothing of the distance until we had settled careers. So, that is what we decided to work on. And today, it has started to pay off. 

Once you have this mindset shift, it will reduce your stress and build patience.


4. Stay Flexible

Life is full of surprises, so be open to changes and adapt when needed. 

Being flexible helps you maintain your patience levels, especially when things don’t go as planned.

I have learned this the hard way, but it’s one of the most important lessons to implement. 


5. Find Joy in the Journey

Enjoy the process of working towards your goals, not just the result. 

Celebrate your progress along the way, even the small wins

This positive mindset will not only keep you patient but also motivated.

how to be patient

6. Learn from Your Setbacks

When things don’t go as planned, see it as a learning opportunity. 

Reflect on what went wrong and how you can do better next time. Instead of dwelling on the fact that things went wrong, analyze why it happened. Learn from your mistakes

This growth mindset will make you both resilient and patient.


7. Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to ask for help from supportive friends, family, or mentors. 

Talking about your challenges with others can provide new perspectives and help you stay patient during tough times.


8. Stay Present

Instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, focus on the present. 

Practice mindfulness techniques like deep breathing or meditation

They help you stay grounded and patient in the here and now.


9. Practice Gratitude

Take time each day to appreciate the good things in your life. ‘

Focus on what you’re grateful for. 

Practicing gratitude is proven to boost your mood and patience, even when things aren’t going your way.


10. Keep Going

Even when things get tough, don’t give up. 

Stay persistent and keep moving forward, one step at a time. 

Remember that setbacks are temporary, and patience pays off in the long run.


11. Be Kind to Yourself 

Finally, remember to be gentle with yourself. It’s okay to make mistakes or feel frustrated sometimes. 

Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, and give yourself the same patience you would give to a friend.

These are the 11 ways that have taught me to embrace patience in my life. I hope you take something back from them and learn how to be patient in your life. 

While being patient is life’s virtue. It also many myths and misconceptions around it. 

So let’s burst them today and discuss them one by one to understand what patience is exactly. 


7 Myths About Being Patient

Most people mistake being patient in life as a bad thing as if it’s some kind of weakness. But it’s not. 

If at all anything, being patient strengthens you mentally. 

Here are 7 misconceptions about patience that you should know.


1. Passivity

You might feel, If I need something I have to wait until it happens.

For example, you might feel like you want to meditate regularly for peace of mind, so what you’ll do?

Either you just keep on procrastinating, saying I can’t do it or I don’t know how to do it, or I don’t have a proper place or time.

As a result, you feel more frustrated, stressed, or lose your confidence. Because you have been just waiting for things to fall. 

Is this what you call patience? 


Patience isn’t about just sitting around and doing nothing

You don’t just have to wait for things to happen; you have to take action and find solutions. 

You can start by waking up early to focus on meditation and get a mentor who can guide you on to meditate.

It’s just that you have to start investing your time in yourself to get the desired results with positivity and calmness by finding solutions to your problems.

Because, patience is about being active and smart, not just staying still.


2. Innate

Do you think patience is something you have by birth?

As I mentioned before, patience is a skill you learn because it doesn’t come from genes, it should be a choice that comes with experiences.

Patience is something that you can work on. You can become more patient over time with experiences and life lessons.


3. Weakness 

Patience is all about your inner strength and your ability to stay strong during hard situations without giving up.

It’s all about your decision-making ability when things aren’t easy. 

Being patient helps you grow and become stronger, not weaker, even when things get hard. 


4. Serenity

Being patient means waiting calmly and letting things happen by themselves. 

Is this what you think?

Then, let me burst your bubble. Being patient is not equal to being inactive. 

It’s about staying positive, focused, and dedicated to things that need your efforts, even when they are tough.

Patience means accepting that life has its ups and downs and staying calm through it all. Doing things sincerely, without any greed.

Patience is about finding peace in uncertain times instead of getting worried or excited.

5. Guarantee

Do you think if you’re patient, you’ll get the desired results? 

Well, that’s not always true. 

Patience is important for reaching big goals, but it’s not the only thing. 

You also need to work hard, stay determined for your goals, and work on your ability to adapt during challenges.

Patience will only help you to keep going even when things get tough, but it doesn’t mean you’ll never fail. It’s about learning from your failures and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, even when things don’t go as planned. 

If you think patience will guarantee you success without any hard work then you are setting yourself up for disappointment. 

Patience can help you be strong and make you stay focused on things that don’t happen as quickly as you want. 


6. Waiting

Most people think patience means doing nothing until things happen. 

Again, wrong. Being patient is about working actively towards your goals without expecting overnight success. 

Patience is believing in yourself even when things take time. It should be about making smart choices and solving problems along the way. 

Patience is about using your time wisely and looking for ways to grow, even when you’re waiting for the results. 

Seeing patience as more than just waiting helps you deal with tough times better.

Patience means taking action to overcome your problems and reach your goals.


7. Suppression

Patience is about smartly handling your emotions, and not ignoring them. It’s about staying strong and not reacting impulsively when things get tough. 

Patience helps you think before you react, which leads to better ways of dealing with problems. 

Imagine a situation where someone has yelled at you for doing something wrong from their perspective.

You have two options, one you start fighting with them as they did. Second, stay calm and explain things from your perspective. 

You are someone who has patience even in tough situations, then you choose the second option, which is being calm and taking your time to make the other person understand. 

Simple, being patient makes you think before you act.

Thus, it reduces your stress and helps in better decision-making. 

This eventually helps in managing your relationships better. It helps in healthily managing your emotions.

How to be Patient in Hard Times? 

Staying patient while waiting and not losing hope while working hard can be tough. So, here are some tips for you.

  • Understand that good things often take time. Don’t expect anything to happen overnight. Set realistic goals.
  • Find meaning in your goals. This will keep you motivated even in harder times.
  • Remember life doesn’t always go according to your plans, so be open to change. Try new things even if they aren’t going as you desire.
  • Picture yourself reaching your goals and achieving your dreams. This will boost your motivation and will help you to stay aligned with your plan of action.
  • During setbacks instead of giving up, take them as challenges and understand these are opportunities for you to learn and grow.
  • Instead of running behind things that aren’t in your control, work on things that can give you the results you desire. 
  • Accept difficulties are part of life, treat yourself with kindness, and be gentle with yourself in tough situations. 
  • Believe in yourself to improve, learn, and grow during this journey. This will give you a positive outlook during setbacks.
  • Take inspiration from individuals who have succeeded in similar situations as you have. Learn from their strategies, experiences, and resilience in overcoming obstacles. This can provide you with more valuable insights and encouragement. 

“ Patience is Power. Patience is not an absence of action; Rather it is ‘Timing’.

  It waits on the right time to act, For the right principles and in the right way”.

– Fulton J. Sheen


I learned patience in life through the most difficult yet the most beautiful part of my life. 

Through this blog, I hope you will learn it too, or at least think of practicing it in your life. 

Patience is called the strongest virtue for all the right reasons. 

It improves your personal growth, your overall well-being, and your relationships of course. 

You can cultivate patience as a lifelong skill that serves you in every aspect of your life.

As you continue on your journey,  remember that patience is not just a destination but a path—one that leads you toward greater growth, resilience, and inner peace.

If you loved what you read, don’t forget to read more about the importance of patience in your relationships. I am sure you will love that too.