Self Esteem Therapy: 20 Activities You Can Try to Build Your Self-Confidence 

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With the ever-changing comparisons flooding our minds, self esteem therapy feels like the most sensible solution to restore your peace of mind. In this blog, I am sharing 20 activities that you can try to experience the same and let go of your inhibitions. 

Do you ever catch yourself scrolling through social media, comparing your life to the perfectly curated highlight reels of others? Or maybe the inner critic whispers doubts in your ear, making you question your abilities and worth? 

Well, it’s the digital age and you’re not alone. 

We all grapple with self-esteem struggles from time to time. But what if I told you there are ways to rewire that negative self-talk and build unshakeable confidence? 

That’s where self esteem therapy comes in – a powerful toolkit for transforming your relationship with yourself.

Let’s learn more of it! 


Self Esteem Therapy: 20 Activities You Can Try to Build Your Self-Confidence 

Self esteem therapy isn’t just about fixing what’s “wrong” with you; it’s a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and knowing your authentic self. 

It’s about recognizing the incredible strengths you already possess, challenging the negative thoughts that hold you back, and cultivating a deep sense of self-worth that radiates from within. 

Self-esteem, simply put, is how you value and perceive yourself. It’s the opinion you hold about your worth, abilities, and overall value as a person.  

A healthy level of self-esteem is like a sturdy foundation for your emotional well-being – it helps you navigate the challenges, build resilience, and create fulfilling relationships both with yourself and with others.

While traditional therapy can be incredibly helpful, self esteem therapy activities offer a unique and engaging way to complement that process. 

These activities aren’t just about talking about your feelings; they’re about actively changing your thoughts and behaviors, building confidence through experience, and developing a deeper understanding of yourself. 

Whether you’re battling low self-esteem or simply looking to boost your self-confidence, these activities will provide practical tools you can use in your everyday life.

The best part? These activities aren’t just for those struggling with low self-esteem. They’re for anyone who wants to cultivate a more positive self-image, strengthen their self-belief, and live a more empowered life. 

Regardless of your age, background, or current self-esteem level, there’s something here for everyone.

20 Self Esteem Therapy Activities to Try Today

Here are 20 self esteem therapy activities for you to get to know yourself better. I have divided them into 4 major categories: 

  1. Self-Reflection and Awareness Activities: Know Yourself, Grow Yourself
  2. Challenging Your Negative Thoughts Activities: Silence Your Inner Critic 
  3. Building Your Confidence Activities: Building a Stronger Sense of Self 
  4. Expressing Yourself Creatively: Letting Yourself Free 

You can choose specific activities based on your needs and improve yourself. 


A. Self-Reflection and Awareness Activities: Know Yourself, Grow Yourself

This first set of activities is all about turning your gaze inward and getting to know yourself on a deeper level. It’s like shining a flashlight into the nooks and crannies of your mind, illuminating both the light and shadow within.

1. Journaling Prompts:

a. “What are three things you are grateful for today?” 

Gratitude shifts your focus to the positive aspects of your life, it cultivates a sense of abundance and appreciation.

b. “What is one accomplishment you are proud of, no matter how small?”

Recognizing even the smallest victories builds a sense of competence and self-efficacy.

c. “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” 

A balanced self-awareness involves acknowledging both your assets and areas for growth.

Here is a pdf for you to download my free +200 journaling prompts, to begin with your first self esteem therapy activity. 


2. Positive Affirmations:

These are short, powerful statements that you repeat to yourself daily. 

They help to reprogram your subconscious mind, replacing your negative thoughts with positive beliefs. For example, “I am worthy,” “I am capable,” or “I am enough.”


3. Strengths Exploration:

Take some time to list all the things you’re good at. This could include learning about your talents, skills, personality traits, or anything else that makes you unique and valuable. Recognizing your strengths is a powerful way to boost your self-esteem and become more self-aware to double down on them. 

You can also go for an official SWOT Analysis to learn more about your strengths. 


4. Values Clarification:

What are the principles and beliefs that are most important to you? 

Identifying your core ethics and values will help you make decisions that align with your authentic self, leading to a more fulfilling life.

By consistently engaging in these self-reflection activities, you’ll gain a clearer picture of who you are, what you value, and what you’re truly capable of achieving. 

Here’s my guide on creating a self-reflection toolkit for yourself and getting to know yourself better. 

This self-knowledge is the foundation for building ever-lasting self-esteem and living a more confident, authentic life.

B. Challenging Your Negative Thoughts Activities: Silence Your Inner Critic 

The second set of these self esteem therapy activities will set you to challenge the negativity you have in your mind about yourself. More often than not, we don’t need anybody else to make us feel bad, our overthinking does a pretty good job. These activities will help you change that inner dialogue and feel better about yourself. 

By consistently practicing these activities, you will be able to break free from the grip of negative thinking patterns and create a more supportive and empowering inner dialogue.

Remember, your thoughts have a powerful impact on your emotions and behaviors. By choosing to challenge and reframe your negative thoughts, you pave the way for increased self-esteem and ultimately higher self-confidence.


5. Rewrite Your Inner Dialogue

Your mind can be your worst enemy, bombarding you with self-doubt, criticism, and limiting beliefs. But these negative thoughts don’t have to define you. You can challenge them head-on, by rewriting your inner dialogue with positive and empowering words.


6. Thought Records

This simple yet effective tool involves writing down your negative thoughts, examining the evidence for and against them, and then replacing them with more balanced and realistic ones. 

It’s like a detective game for your mind, helping you uncover the truth behind your self-limiting beliefs and eventually overcoming them. 


7. Cognitive Restructuring

This technique teaches you to identify and challenge the distorted thinking patterns that fuel your negative emotions. 

By reframing these thoughts, you can shift your perspective and create a more positive outlook about yourself. 


8. “Worst-Case Scenario” Exercise

This may sound counterintuitive, but facing your fears head-on can actually diminish your power. 

By imagining the worst possible outcome and developing coping strategies, you will gain a sense of control and resilience to fight those situations. 


9. Positive Self-Talk

We often speak to ourselves in ways we would never talk to a friend. With positive self-talk, you can treat yourself with the same kindness and encouragement you would offer to a loved one. It’s about replacing harsh self-criticism with compassionate self-affirmation.


10. Identifying Cognitive Distortions

These common thinking traps can distort your perception of reality and fuel negative emotions. Some examples include “all-or-nothing thinking,” “catastrophizing,” and “personalization”. 

By becoming aware of these distortions, you can challenge their validity and replace them with more accurate and helpful thoughts.

C. Building Confidence Activities: Build a Stronger Sense of Self

Confidence isn’t something you’re born with; it’s something you build. Like a muscle, it grows stronger with consistent effort and practice.  

Building confidence is an ongoing process. It’s about taking small, consistent steps toward your goals. 

By incorporating these activities into your life, you’ll gradually develop a stronger sense of self-belief and resilience that will radiate in all areas of your life.

These self esteem therapy activities are designed to help you flex your confidence muscles and step into your power.


11. Setting Achievable Goals

Big dreams are great, but they can feel overwhelming. Breaking those big goals down into smaller, more manageable steps is as important as having a vision for them. 

Each step you take toward your goal will give you a sense of accomplishment and propel you forward.

Here are 2 detailed guides that will not only set but also achieve your goals: 

Goal Setting Template: A Simple Guide to Track Your Goals in 2024

The SMART Goals Method for 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Goals You Can Achieve


12. Celebrating Your Wins

We are so driven by the bigger picture that we often forget to acknowledge the little victories that add up to create those big milestones. 

Thus, it is important to celebrate every step forward, no matter how small. This positive reinforcement trains your brain to focus on your successes, building a sense of self-efficacy and fulfillment.


13. Positive Self-Care 

Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish; it’s essential for your well-being. Engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. 

This could include exercise, healthy eating, getting enough sleep, spending time in nature, pursuing your hobbies, or just connecting with your loved ones. 

When you feel good about yourself, your confidence naturally shines through.

Here are a few of my favorite self-care guides to help you through different seasons: 

Au Revoir, Winter! 49 New Hobbies You Can Try This Spring

Summer Wellness Tips | 19 Self Care Tips for You to Make the Most of this Summer

15 Simple Examples of Self Care to Nourish Your Mind, Body & Soul this Winter

11 Happy Autumn Self Care Tips to Keep Yourself Cozy

Feel free to take what you need and indulge in your favorite self care spree. 


14. Learning New Skills

Stepping outside your comfort zone and acquiring new skills is a powerful way to boost self-efficacy, the belief in your ability to succeed. 

Whether it’s learning a new language, taking a dance class, or mastering a musical instrument, each new skill you acquire adds to your repertoire of capabilities and reinforces your sense of competence.

After all, learning new skills is the new high. Here are 10 new skills you can add to your skill set this year.  


15. Giving Back

Helping others is a surprisingly effective way to boost your well-being. 

Volunteering, donating, or simply lending a helping hand can create a sense of purpose, connection, and gratitude, all of which contribute to a stronger sense of self.

D. Expressing Yourself Creatively: Letting Yourself Free

Creativity isn’t just about making beautiful things; it’s a powerful tool for self-expression, healing, and personal growth. 

By engaging in your creative expression, you tap into a wellspring of inspiration and self-discovery. You permit yourself to feel, to explore, to play, and to be fully yourself. 

Your creativity can help you connect with your inner child, unleash your imagination, and build a deeper sense of self-love and acceptance.

Here are 5 self esteem therapy activities that will tap into your imagination and emotions, allowing you to explore your inner world in new and liberating ways.


16. Art Therapy

Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a complete novice, expressing yourself through drawing, painting, sculpting, or other art forms can be incredibly cathartic.  

Art allows you to communicate emotions that might be difficult to put into words, offering a unique form of self-discovery and insight.

In fact, your art and your mental health go hand in hand. Here’s a detailed guide to help you understand that. 


17. Music Therapy

Music has a profound impact on your emotions and well-being. 

While listening to uplifting music can instantly boost your mood, creating your own music can be a powerful way to process complex feelings and express your unique voice.


18. Writing Therapy 

Journaling, poetry, or even free writing can help you untangle your thoughts and feelings, gain clarity, and find new perspectives. 

Creative writing allows you to reflect on your experiences, explore your emotions, and connect with your inner wisdom.

Here’s a detailed guide to understanding the connection between your creative writing and your mental health. 


19. Dance/Movement Therapy 

Moving your body to music can be a liberating and joyful experience. 

Dance and movement therapy can help you release tension, connect with your emotions, and boost your mood. 

It’s a way to express yourself physically and emotionally, tapping into a different kind of intelligence.

I am more of a yoga girl, thus movement therapy in my life happens through my yoga practices. 


20. Acting/Improvisation 

Stepping into different roles and characters can be a fun and empowering way to explore different aspects of yourself. 

Improvisation encourages you to think on your feet, be spontaneous, and let go of perfectionism, all of which can boost your confidence and creativity.


I hope this extensive list of 20 self esteem therapy activities would have given you an idea of what you need to do next. 

A healthy dose of self-esteem isn’t about being arrogant; it’s about recognizing your inherent worth and treating yourself with kindness, compassion, and respect. 

It’s the inner strength that allows you to weather life’s storms, pursue your dreams with confidence, and build meaningful relationships with others. It’s the foundation for a fulfilling and joyful life.

Remember, building self-esteem is an ongoing process, not a destination. It takes time, effort, and a willingness to explore your inner world with curiosity and compassion. 

The activities you have explored here are just a starting point – a toolkit you can draw upon to strengthen your self-belief, challenge negative thoughts, and cultivate a more positive self-image.

If you’re seeking additional support, consider reaching out to a therapist or counselor specializing in self-esteem issues. They can provide personalized guidance and tailored strategies to help you overcome self-doubt and embrace your full potential. 

Also, there are numerous online resources, support groups, and self-help books available to help you on your journey to self-love and acceptance.

You can also try these mental health apps where professionals are guiding people like you and me on their journey of improvement.