Slow Lifestyle 101: 11 Simple Ways to Embrace the Beauty of the Fall Season

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Autumn is the time of the year to appreciate the gradual pace of life. It is the time to soak the goodness of the slow lifestyle. But, obviously, not everyone has the luxury to enjoy it given their work commitments and usual lifestyle. Hence, I am sharing 11 simple ways to embrace the slow lifestyle and make the most of the beauty of the fall season. 

When was the last time you reflected upon your journey? When was the last time you sat at peace and appreciated yourself? When was the last time you observed your surroundings and felt relieved? How often have you felt satisfied and at extreme peace?

Most people never really enjoy life in the true sense. Resting is underrated. This is because you don’t observe. 

Your lack of observation makes you skip the feeling of peace. This blog is for every busy person for whom a significant part of life always remains unnoticed. 

You are always racing against time and want to win from it. You always wish to have extra hours in a day for the sake of more work and perfectionism. 

You are obsessed with your fast-paced lifestyle. Doing things slowly and peacefully seems boring and useless now.  With the desire to get organized and seek perfection, you have forgotten to slow down and live your life. 

Autumn is the perfect season to observe your surroundings and embrace the slow lifestyle. 

It brings those appealing and delightful days after summer where sunlight brings relief and nights enveloped in cozy weather. 

The season in which trees show off with all the shades possible on any color palette. If you drive past the road on the outskirts, you feel transported to the anime world. Magnificent! 

These leaves dance and enjoy in the air and finally settle down on the road to form an elegant carpet that looks like a welcoming preparation. 

The weather is so charismatic to observe it closely and spend time with it. The drone-captured videos in autumn steal my heart because of their fairytale views. 

This season is perfect to indulge in some autumn self care, enjoy your life, and embrace the slow lifestyle. 

So, pause for a while my friend. Just slow down a little bit and live some days despite asking for more. Beautify the shorter days and longer nights with yourself and your loved ones, and create the memories of a lifetime. 


Slow Lifestyle 101: 11 Simple Ways to Embrace the Beauty of the Fall Season

Slow living is not for people who do things gradually. You might think that people who are slow-paced or old aged should think about this slow lifestyle. 

If yes, you have got the wrong idea about a slow lifestyle. 

Every individual on this planet should slow down from the ongoing process of life and embrace the journey they have covered and the challenges they have overcome. 

Of course, you cannot indulge in it forever because it is not possible in this fast-paced world. 

However, practice living peacefully at some particular period in a year. Autumn is the god-made schedule to do it and embrace the slow lifestyle. 

Living a slow life is necessary to keep your mind at peace, gifting yourself the needed break from the hustle and bustle of life. 

This is when you can take some time to refresh your mental health and emotional wellbeing. It is a rejuvenating process to help you come back with extra force. 

Also, sleeping all day and wasting time on Netflix does not count as a slow lifestyle.

Embracing a slow lifestyle is about taking a more deliberate, thoughtful approach to life. It is about embracing quality over quantity and valuing mindfulness. 

What Does Autumn Symbolize in Life? 

Autumn season has its effects as it creates space for winters to arrive with shorter days. Temperatures start dropping and so do the leaves from trees. 

With leaves wilting, autumn depicts the change and teaches you how to accept those changes gracefully. It might seem like an end but In reality, it is making room for new arrivals. The arrival of something fresh and new also fills you with hope for a better future. 

While you may remain stuck with useless thoughts, work, or worthless relationships, autumn teaches you to shred those parts of your life that no longer serve you. 

It shows you to embrace the altercations and prepare for greater possibilities in life. 

Here are 11 ways in which you can instill the slow lifestyle in your autumn days and nights. 


11 Ways to Embrace the Slow Lifestyle 

1. Have a Calm Morning Routine 

The first hour of your morning routine holds great significance. It can make or break your mood setting the pace for the entire day. 

A calm morning creates those peaceful vibes for the entire day having a positive impact on your mental health. Hence, it is important to spend the first hour of your day with productive activities peacefully. 

Wake up at your preferred time. Do not touch your phone for the first hour no matter how urgent it is. The entire day is in front of you to meet those urgencies. 

Now follow your general routine of tea or coffee while reading a book. Meditate for 10 minutes with minimal exercise, light stretching, or yoga. I am a Yoga girl and I love to begin my mornings with it. 

You can also for your morning walks to create the momentum for the slow lifestyle that you wish to adopt. 


2. Read Your Favorite Genres 

Autumn is the season for you to turn the pages of your favorite books. You will find my nose under my best self-help books at this time. This is my way of embracing the slow lifestyle. 

Reading books of your interest satisfies your inner self and keeps you at peace. Whether you are a night person or a day person, schedule your reading time accordingly. 

While I indulge in non-fiction during the morning hours, my nights are usually dedicated to reading fiction and wandering in the wildest imaginations. 

Reading requires your focus and concentration to immerse yourself deep into the story or subject matter. It is the perfect leisure activity that promotes relaxation and a slower pace. It reduces your stress level as you live in the present moment while reading books. 

Fall is the right time to search for your favorite genres from your shelf, put on your socks, and melt in the quilt on your couch to get those cozy vibes of the season. 


3. Cook Simple Food 

Cooking simple meals and decorating them beautifully is an act of relaxation. Autumn is the season that gifts you various flavors to add to your meals and make them tastier and healthier. 

You can cook seasonal foods that align with the weather to enjoy it thoroughly. Cooking requires your deep attention to detail. As you do it all from scratch, it needs you slow down and savor the moment peacefully. 

You need to be aware of the ingredients and their origins that promote healthier eating habits

Baking cookies in autumn is the one activity that you should never miss. Your favorite cookies ask you to prepare them by yourself with full love and concentration. 

Bake the cookies, invite friends or families, and enjoy a get-together this weekend. Most importantly, enjoy these moments without regret of ditching your work. 


4. Create Cozy Surroundings

Do you wish to feel like a princess and lay down in your house with cozy vibes? 

Well, you don’t always need a prince and lots of servants to do it. 

Sometimes, simple feelings call for simple efforts. You can set up the environment of your home like that. You need to make your house feel like a comfy home that relaxes your mind and calms down your body. 

Here is my detailed guide on How to make your home cozy? 

It reflexively leads you to slow down and embrace the perfect atmosphere. You just wish to be engulfed in this coziness and enjoy this. 


5. Take Mini Breaks in Between Work 

Escaping from work in this world is quite difficult. But, it is equally important to take breaks between your work. These would work as rejuvenating medicines for you. 

But if you always forget to take breaks, use your alarms at certain time intervals. 

For example, setting an alarm after 1.5 hours of work and taking a break for 15 minutes. Utilize this time for relaxation, prepare a coffee, go for a walk, or call your loved ones and catch up with them. 

Taking breaks is crucial to maintaining a balance of your personal time with your professional responsibilities in life. It pulls you whenever you start drowning in the world of depressive work. It refreshes you and fills new energy to work with your full potential again. 

slow lifestyle

6. Slow Down Your Thoughts 

What is the one thing that consumes you the most yet gets ignored the most? 

The answer is your thoughts. 

Your thoughts are constantly running in your mind without any break. Sometimes these thoughts are irrational, sometimes they are logical. 

Dwelling on your past experiences can consume you, whether you get happy, sad, or regret over it. Your thoughts about your future are mere imaginations that cook no brownies for you. 

Life keeps you so busy that you completely ignore the present times, you forget to cherish the moment and capture the essence of it. 

Living in the present lets you build deeper connections with yourself.  

This mindful approach allows you to savor the simple joys, build meaningful relationships, and make conscious choices that align with your values and aspirations, ultimately leading to a mentally richer, more fulfilling life.   

Practice meditation and spend time with yourself journaling your thoughts. These two are the ultimate solutions when practiced consistently will help you to hold your thoughts and settle them. 

Consuming the feel of every moment is the important part of embracing the slow lifestyle. 


7. Spend Time With Yourself

You are the sole partner of yourself who will always be there with you in any situation. Thus, learn to love your real self and embrace the way you are. 

Spending time with yourself allows you to be at peace, reflect on your thoughts, interests, strengths, weaknesses, etc. This helps you to know yourself better.  

Being more with yourself naturally slows down the pace of your life and leads you to embrace the slow lifestyle. It lets you to savor simple moments and focus on them as they become the rarest gift to cherish in life. 

I am the one who loves spending time with myself because I love my own company. I love staying with my self as I get time to really feel and release my emotions.


8. Tech Wellness is a Must 

What’s your average screen time for this week? More than 7-8 hours probably. 

Your devices take up most of your time while you stuff your mind with too much education or entertainment. 

Excessive tech usage causes stress. It affects your eye health, reduces your energy to work, and affects your sleep cycle

Thus, it is important to set screen time limit on your devices. Set timers on your most used applications in your phone to keep track of your usage. 

Set up auto-lock after a particular time for using your phones, laptops, TVs, etc. This is how you can control technology from consuming your time and keeping you away from living a slow lifestyle.  

Also, autumn is a great season to go for a digital detox. The natural ambiance serves as the perfect time to stay with your loved ones and create screen-free memories. 


9. Explore Nature 

So, Autumn has arrived and you have still not explored it? 

Are you just spending these days sitting in your quilt? 

Well, you are missing something charismatic. 

Studies suggest that spending time in nature contributes to reducing your stress. It boosts your energy and creativity. 

Thus, spend more time in nature and it will gift you a new perspective to look at the world. It helps you to just stop and reflect on the beauty of nature. 

Autumn is all about noticing. The first frost kisses the Earth at this time and the world goes quiet. The leaves sing songs of their own. The beautiful color palette in the leaves is just magical. 

Explore these changes in weather and observe how these leaves are shredded to make space for new leaves. 

Thus, exploring nature is a worthy act to embrace the slow lifestyle. You will be awestruck with the level of peace you feel. 


10. Shift Your Mindset 

Your mindset matters the most when it comes to living a slow lifestyle. Get above the toxic and negative emotions that drain your energy. Getting out of the depressive mode needs some sacrifices. 

Sacrifice anger and overthinking and promote forgiveness and love. Comparing yourself with others only ruins your mental health, sacrifice that. 

Everyone is fighting their battle. You are fighting in your warfield and being at peace with yourself is the most important thing you can do for yourself.  


11. Romanticize Everything 

Romanticizing your life means to enjoy every moment in your life. From brewing your morning coffee to going for a walk with your pet to your night snacks.

For this, you should be in a conscious state whatever you are doing. Create the atmosphere where you can be most comfortable. Choose people with whom you enjoy the most. 

Romanticize your life to find the smallest happiness in every situation. A positive thing in negative bitching, a beautiful piece in the broken vase, and good habits in toxic people. 

This will train you to find the most optimistic aspect of the negative situations surrounding you. 


Embracing a slow lifestyle isn’t a chore. It’s a need of the hour. Especially with your busy lifestyle, it’s important to slow down and indulge in the gradual pace of life.

 I hope these 11 simple tips will help you to enjoy the autumn season and create a more holistic approach to your life. 

Finally, if you loved reading about the beauty of the fall season, make sure you check out these posts while you sip your hot chocolate.

Autumn Season is Here: 59 Interesting Reasons to Fall in Love With it

11 Happy Autumn Self Care Tips to Keep Yourself Cozy

These blogs will fill you with the spirit of the autumn season and relish the spirit of gradual living.