Slow Holiday Season in 2024: 15 Ways to Create One For Yourself & Your Loved Ones

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The holiday season can often feel more hectic than restful. Between shopping, planning, and traveling, it’s easy to lose sight of what the holidays are truly about relaxation, connection, and joy. In this blog, I will share 15 ways to create a slow holiday season for yourself and your loved one. 

I remember a particular holiday season a few years ago. The weeks leading up to it were a blur of shopping lists, crowded stores, and endless to-do lists. By the time the big day arrived, I was too exhausted to fully enjoy it. 

The moments I had anticipated for months felt rushed and hollow. The stress had overshadowed the joy, and I realized something needed to change.

Determined to reclaim the true spirit of the holidays, I made a conscious decision to slow down. I focused on what truly mattered—spending quality time with my loved ones, appreciating little things in life, and creating meaningful traditions. 

The transformation was profound. The holidays became a time of joy and reflection, filled with moments that I now hold dear to my heart.

In this blog, I want to share with you the ways I discovered to create a slow holiday season and not rush into it just for the sake of it. 

These strategies are not about adding more to your plate but about embracing imperfections, simplicity, and mindfulness to really feel the holidays and let the magic of the season engulf you with its goodness. So, let’s go! 


Slow Holiday Season: 15 Ways to Create One For Yourself & Your Loved Ones

Creating a slow holiday season is not about adhering to the obligations of other’s notions of the holiday season. It is about doing what feels right to you, for yourself and your loved ones.

Let’s help you do it!


What is the Meaning of Slow Holidays?

The holiday season is a time of joy and togetherness, but for many, it also brings a whirlwind of stress and busyness. 

You find yourself caught up in the frenzy of shopping, decorating, and attending countless events, often losing sight of the true essence of the holidays.

Amidst the chaos, the magic of the season can easily fade away, leaving you exhausted and overwhelmed.

But imagine a different kind of holiday season, one where each moment is savored, each memory cherished, and each day is filled with genuine connection and peace. 

This vision isn’t just a fantasy, it’s a possibility within your reach.

How to Slow Down on Holidays? 15 Ways To Create A Slow Holiday Season

Let’s help you have a slow holiday season, where the hustle and bustle of the holiday stress are replaced with calm and presence. 


1. Plan to Avoid Last-Minute Stress

Planning ahead is one of the best ways to ensure a slow holiday season. By starting your preparations early, you can avoid the last-minute rush that often accompanies the holidays. 

Create a realistic list and timeline for important tasks such as shopping, decorating, and meal planning. This approach not only spreads out the workload but also allows you to enjoy each task without feeling overwhelmed.

For example, consider starting your holiday shopping a few months in advance. By purchasing gifts gradually, you can take advantage of sales and avoid crowded stores in peak times. 

Similarly, plan your holiday menu and list the ingredients you’ll need. This way, you can buy non-perishable items early and avoid the long lines at the grocery store closer to the holidays.


2. Simplify Gift Giving

Gift-giving can be a significant source of stress during the holiday season. Simplify the process by setting a budget and sticking to it. Consider thoughtful, handmade gifts or experiences instead of material items.

For example, you could bake cookies, create a photo album, or plan a special outing. These gifts often hold more meaning and can be more enjoyable to give and receive.

Homemade gifts can be both meaningful and cost-effective. For instance, you could make a batch of your famous holiday cookies and package them in decorative tins. Or, create a scrapbook filled with photos and memories from the past year. 

These personalized gifts show that you’ve put thought and effort into them, making them more special.

To take your gifting games to the next level, here are my 2 gift guides for both the important occasions that will help you: 


3. Prioritize Quality Time

The holiday season is a perfect time to focus on spending quality time with loved ones. Plan winter activities that everyone enjoys, such as board games, movie nights, or baking together.

For example, schedule a family game night where everyone can participate in their favorite board games or card games. This creates an opportunity for laughter and bonding. 

You can also organize a movie marathon with holiday classics. Make some popcorn, gather your blankets, and enjoy a cozy evening at home.

By prioritizing these moments, you create an atmosphere of togetherness and relaxation. Remember, it’s not about how much you do, but the quality of the time spent together that matters over anything else. 

holiday season

4. Embrace Minimalist Decorations

While it’s tempting to go all out with holiday decorations, a minimalist approach can help you create a slower, more peaceful environment. Choose a few meaningful decorations that bring joy without overwhelming your space. 

For instance, instead of decorating every room in your house, focus on a few key areas like the living room and dining room. Use simple yet elegant decorations. 

Here is one of my favorite Diwali home decor guides to help you brighten your holiday season. 

This minimalist approach will not only reduce the time and effort needed for decorating but also create a calm and inviting atmosphere.


5. Practice Mindfulness and Gratitude

Mindfulness and gratitude are powerful tools for creating a slow holiday season. Take time each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for and be present in the moment.

Whether you’re sipping hot cocoa by the fire or wrapping gifts, try to focus on the experience rather than the outcome. This practice can help you feel more connected and at peace during the holidays.

For example, start a gratitude journal where you write down three things you’re grateful for each day. This simple practice can shift your focus from what you don’t have to what you do have, creating a sense of contentment and joy. 

You can also incorporate mindfulness into your daily activities by taking a few deep breaths and grounding yourself in the present moment.


6. Limit Technology Use

Technology can be a significant distraction during the holiday season. Set boundaries for your screen time to ensure that you and your loved ones are fully there for each other.

Designate tech-free times, such as during meals or family activities, to encourage meaningful interactions and reduce digital stress.

For instance, establish a “no devices during family dinners” rule. This allows everyone to focus on the conversation and enjoy each other’s company without distractions. 

Similarly, you can also set aside specific times during the day when screens are off-limits, such as during game nights or holiday outings.

Encourage your family to go for a holiday with digital detox, and ask them to engage in offline activities that promote connection and creativity. This could include reading books, playing board games, or doing puzzles together.

7. Create Relaxing Rituals

Incorporating relaxing rituals into your holiday season can help you set a slower pace. This could be anything from a nice cup of herbal tea at night, a morning walk in the cozy winters, or a family reading session.

These rituals provide a sense of calm and routine, making the holidays feel more restful and enjoyable. 

For example, make it a habit to enjoy a cup of herbal tea before bed each night. This can be a soothing way to unwind and reflect on the day. Or, start each morning with a peaceful walk outside. These simple activities will help you to reconnect with yourself during the holiday season

Family reading sessions can also be a relaxing and enjoyable ritual. Choose a holiday-themed book and read a chapter together each night. This creates a sense of anticipation and togetherness, while also providing a quiet and calming activity.


8. Focus on Self-Care

Self-care is important even during the holiday season. So ensure that you’re taking time to rest and recharge.

This might mean setting aside time for a bubble bath, reading a good book, or simply taking a nap. By taking care of yourself, you’ll be better equipped to enjoy the holidays and be there for your loved ones.

For instance, schedule a self-care day where you focus solely on activities that bring you joy and relaxation, activities that soothe your mind, body, and soul. 

This could include taking a long bath with your favorite essential oils, indulging in a dance session, or practicing yoga.


9. Enjoy the Simple Pleasures of Life 

The holiday season is filled with simple pleasures that can easily be overlooked in the hustle and bustle of preparations. 

Take time to savor these moments, whether it’s the smell of freshly baked cookies, the sound of holiday music, or the beauty of a winter landscape. These small joys can bring immense happiness and a sense of peace. 

Spend an afternoon baking your favorite holiday treats. Enjoy the process of measuring ingredients, mixing dough, and decorating cookies. The delightful aromas and delicious results are sure to bring a smile to your face.

Similarly, take time to appreciate the beauty of the season. Go for a walk or sit by the window and watch the lights twinkling around you adding to the magic of the season.

holiday season

10. Say No When Needed

One of the most important aspects of creating a slow holiday season is knowing when to say no

Overcommitting can lead to burnout. Thus, be selective about the events and activities you participate in, and don’t be afraid to decline invitations that don’t align with your desire for a slower pace. This will protect your time and energy.

For example, if you receive multiple invitations to holiday parties, choose the ones that you truly want to attend and decline the rest. 

Politely explain that you’re trying to keep your schedule manageable and prioritize quality time with your loved ones. Most people will understand and appreciate your honesty.

Setting boundaries is essential for maintaining a slower pace during the holidays. By saying no when needed, you can focus on the activities that matter most to you and avoid unnecessary stress and exhaustion.


11. Engage in Creative Activities

Engaging in creative activities can be a wonderful way to slow down and enjoy the holiday season. 

Whether it’s crafting, painting, writing, or cooking, these activities can provide a sense of accomplishment and joy. So, encourage your family members to join in and make it a collaborative effort.

For example, organize a family crafting session where everyone can create their own holiday decorations. Provide supplies such as paper, glue, glitter, and markers, and let everyone unleash their creativity.

Not only will you have fun, but you’ll also create unique and personalized decorations for your home. This activity can build a sense of connection and reflection among the family. 


12. Connect with Nature

Spending time in nature can be incredibly rejuvenating during the holiday season. 

Whether it’s a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or simply sitting outside, nature offers a peaceful escape from the holiday chaos. Make it a family tradition to explore the outdoors together.

For example, plan a family hike in a nearby nature reserve or park. Bring along a thermos of hot cocoa and enjoy a picnic in a scenic spot. The fresh air and beautiful surroundings can provide a sense of calmness, making it a perfect way to unwind during the holidays.

This activity encourages everyone to explore and appreciate the natural world while spending quality time together.

13. Host Low-Key Gatherings

Instead of large, elaborate parties, consider hosting low-key gatherings. A cozy dinner with close friends or a casual game night can be more enjoyable and less stressful. 

Focus on connection rather than perfection, and encourage everyone to contribute to the festivities.

For instance, invite a few close friends over for a potluck dinner. Ask each person to bring a dish, and enjoy a relaxed and informal meal together. This approach takes the pressure off the host and allows everyone to share their favorite recipes.

A casual game night can also be a fun and low-key way to gather with your loved ones. Choose a variety of board games or card games and spend the evening laughing and competing.

Here’s a guide on New Year Party Ideas for people who enjoy low-key and no-noise gatherings.


14. Enjoy Homemade Meals

Homemade meals can be a comforting and enjoyable part of the holiday season. Instead of dining out or ordering takeout, try cooking together as a family. Share recipes, try new dishes, and savor the process of creating something delicious together.

For example, plan a family cooking day where everyone contributes to the meal preparation. Choose a few favorite recipes and assign tasks to each family member. 

This collaborative effort not only results in a delicious meal but also creates a sense of accomplishment and togetherness.

Experiment with new recipes and flavors to add excitement to your holiday meals. Try making dishes from different cultures or incorporating seasonal ingredients. This can be a fun and educational experience for everyone, and it adds variety to your holiday menu.


15. Volunteer Together in the Holiday Season 

Giving back to the community can be a meaningful way to spend the holiday season. Find volunteer opportunities that align with your family’s interests, whether it’s serving meals at a shelter, organizing a donation drive, or spending time with those in need. Volunteering fosters a sense of gratitude and connection.

For example, contact local shelters or community organizations to find out how you can help during the holidays. This might involve serving meals, distributing gifts, or organizing events. Volunteering as a family creates a shared sense of purpose and helps you connect with your community.

You can also start a family tradition of volunteering during the holiday season. This could be an annual event that everyone looks forward to. This will also reinforce the importance of giving back and helping others.


Creating a slow holiday season is about prioritizing what truly matters: connection, joy, and peace. 

I hope these 15 ways of approaching the holiday season will you do exactly this during the festivities.

Remember, the holiday season is a time for celebration and reflection. By making mindful choices and prioritizing what matters most, you can create a holiday season that leaves you feeling refreshed and fulfilled. 

So, here’s to a slow, joyful, and memorable holiday season for you and your loved ones.

Before you leave, if you enjoyed learning about creating a slow holiday season I am sure you will enjoy my guide on New Year Gift Ideas You Can Present Yourself.

While you enjoy the holiday season, don’t forget to treat yourself with a little gift. You deserve it!