We are about to step into a new year. It’s that time of the year again when we set new resolutions, decide new goals and continue to work towards creating a better life. While you make your plans and start working on them, here are some of the best self-improvement quotes for you.
I hope these self-improvement quotes help you to excel in different areas of your life. I hope they make you a better person.
15 Self Improvement Quotes to Build a Better Life
Self Improvement Quotes On Mindset:
1. The swiftest way to triple your success is to double your investment in personal development. – Robin Sharma
The more you invest in yourself, the greater will be the return. Investment doesn’t always have to be in the form of money. You dedicating time to your personal growth is an investment too. Make the most of it.
2. I’ve got a theory that if you give 100% all the time, somehow things will work out in the end. – Larry Bird
Sharing this from my personal experience, when you set your mind to something you are sure to achieve. This won’t happen immediately, you won’t see the results overnight. But if you have the drive to stay consistent, some of it will work out.
3. Recognizing that you are not where you want to be is a starting point to begin changing your life. – Deborah Day
What we do today shapes our tomorrow. If you aren’t happy and proud of where you are today, the first thing you need to do is change your mindset. Take it one step at a time, but make sure that one step is taken with the right intention.
Self Improvement Quotes On Discipline
4. Be patient with yourself. You are growing stronger every day. The weight of the world will become lighter…and you will begin to shine brighter. Don’t give up. – Robert Tew
It is easier to compare your life with anybody else. It is easier to find faults and categorize what’s not working out. But, you must acknowledge how far you have come ever since you started. Patience paves the path for persistence.
5. Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still. – Chinese Proverb
Growth is never a linear path. It’s always an undefined curve. One moment you are at the highest, other times you are at your lowest and sometimes you are just in between. Wherever you may be, you have to appreciate and continue doing bit by bit.
6. Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment. – Stephen Covey
Patience is the strongest human trait to practice. The hustle culture has glorified how someone is successful overnight. But, it fails to show the behind-the-scenes stories. You must know there’s nothing like an overnight success. It all comes with patience and persistence.
Self Improvement Quotes On Habits
7. Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. – Jim Rohn
It’s easy to start. Most people can do it. What’s difficult is the drive to continue. To reach your big goals and achieve your high aims, it is important for you to break them into everyday tasks. It is important to turn these tasks into your habits.
8. The mind is just like a muscle – the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand. – Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability
You will not be the same person a year later if you start today. We all learn, grow and expand our perceptions and visions. The more you work towards building a good life, the more you will realize how much you have learned all this while.
9. The more pride you have in a particular aspect of your identity, the more motivated you will be to maintain the habits associated with it. – James Clear
I know I’m proud of becoming a writer. This is why there have rarely been days when I haven’t written. Writing is in my personality now. The same goes for you. When you enjoy what you do, your confidence grows and your motivation to continue it increases too.
Self Improvement Quotes On Finance
10. Beware of little expenses, a small leak will sink a great ship. – Benjamin Franklin
When you don’t track your small expenses, you are giving yourself a chance to be easy with your finances. Don’t let your little expenses every day, costs you your fortune in the long run. Track your everyday expenses just as you do with your larger expenses.
11. Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. – Jim Rohn
Yes, schools and colleges teach us a lot. But, life is the greatest teacher of them all. The lessons that you will teach yourself are not written in the books of formal education. Self-education and self-learning are the best ways to grow and build your fortune.
12. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. – Benjamin Franklin
You can invest in real estate, cryptocurrency, and all those investment ways. But, the greatest return will always come from your investment in yourself. Self-improvement and personal development investments, indeed, pay the best interest.
Self Improvement Quotes On Leadership
13. Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving forward. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit. – Conrad Hilton
When you set your goals, you’ll not achieve them immediately. There will be failures and mistakes. Sometimes, you’ll commit blunders. But, if you can accept that and continue to move ahead, nothing can stop you from becoming your best self.
14. Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm. – Winston Churchill
Failures are inevitable in life, you can’t run from them. A lot of people begin with great enthusiasm. But, very few of them can maintain that enthusiasm and curiosity to learn and explore. If you can become a few of them, you are on the right path.
15. Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. – Jack Welch
None of us can become ‘successful’ in its true sense without a team. Initially, your success is determined by your efforts. But, it’s your leadership skills that will decide your success rate in the long run.
These are some of the most thought-provoking self improvement quotes with my input on them. I hope these will help you to stay on the right track and move forward in life.
I hope these will help you in starting your personal development journey.
I’ll see you next week. Until then you can connect with me on LinkedIn.
Happy reading!!!