How to Have Healthy Hair? My 15 Best Secrets to Get Thick & Long Locks

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How to have healthy hair? If only I had a dollar for every time I am asked this question. Healthy hair is desired by many but achieved by some people. They don’t just add to your overall appearance, they build your confidence too. This is why in today’s blog, we’ll be discussing my most favorite topic on self care: haircare.


Taking care of your hair and growing them naturally is a time-consuming task, this is why not everybody has them. 

While outside care can give you healthy hair, you cannot ignore your genetics and inner health. They play a very significant role in keeping your hair strong naturally. 

As someone with extremely long and healthy hair, I am usually asked questions like: 

  • How to have healthy hair?
  • Which hair oil do you use? 
  • What hair mask do you use? 
  • How to get healthy hair fast? 
  • How to grow long hair like you?
  • What hair shampoo do you apply? 
  • How to make hair healthy and thick? 
  • How can I maintain my hair naturally? 

Achieving and maintaining healthy hair is so much more than just using the right hair care products. It needs a holistic approach that runs through your daily life and encompasses various aspects of your lifestyle. 

In this blog, you will learn my best haircare tips to maintain healthy hair and grow them naturally. Don’t worry, each of these are simple things you can do despite your busy schedules. These lifestyle hacks will help you in achieving and maintaining thick, gorgeous locks.

How to Have Healthy Hair? My 15 Best Secrets to Getting Thick & Long Locks

Healthy hair doesn’t happen overnight. Just like any other good thing in life, they require you to be consistent with your efforts. 

So here are some low-effort hair care tips for you to get healthy, strong, and luscious locks over time: 


1. How to have healthy hair? It starts with a healthy scalp 

Just like fertile soil is necessary for a plant to grow, a healthy scalp is the foundation to grow your healthy hair. It is where the hair follicles reside, and any issues with the scalp can directly impact your hair health. 

Thus, it is crucial to keep your scalp clean, moisturized, and free from any infections or inflammations. You don’t need to do a lot to maintain a healthy scalp, it is just basic hygiene and choosing the haircare products that suit your scalp. 


2. Which oil is the healthiest for hair?

Oiling your hair is the most basic hair care practice that has been passed to us over generations. I remember how my mom never allowed me to go to school without oil in my hair. It does make a huge difference. 

Though I try my best to oil my hair every week but sometimes life takes over and then I do it once every two weeks. I won’t delay it beyond that. Because then even my hair starts behaving wild, it feels like they are demanding that oil care from me. 

While there are so many haircare oils in the market, I swear by my good, old coconut oil to keep my hair healthy and nourished. 

Some of the other hair oils that I have tried are onion oil and almond oil. Both of them provide good care to your hair. You try any of these. 


3. Which shampoo is best for unhealthy hair?

The next important step to having healthy hair is to build your daily haircare routine by choosing the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. 

Regularly shampooing and conditioning your hair, along with gentle exfoliation, promotes a healthy scalp and consequently, healthy hair.

With so many hair care brands in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right ones for your hair type. Thus, it is essential to understand your hair type and then select the appropriate products. So, make sure to look for products that are sulfate-free and contain natural ingredients.  

If you have oily hair, opt for a clarifying shampoo that can remove excess oil without drying out your scalp. 

If you have dry or damaged hair, choose products that are hydrating and nourishing. Go for conditioners that can restore moisture in your hair.

Avoid using anything that contains harsh chemicals or sulfates, as they can strip away your natural oils and damage your hair beyond repair. Experiment with different products until you find the ones that work best for your hair type.

4. Is Hot shower good for hair growth?

Although hot showers can be relaxing for your body, they are not that good for your hair. They can strip the natural oils from your hair and scalp, which can lead to dryness and frizziness. 

It is especially a challenge in winter when hot showers are all you want. In such cases, you can cover your hair with a hair cap to save them. 

Instead of hot water contact for your hair wash, you can use lukewarm or cool water to rinse your hair. This will help you in maintaining the moisture and shine in your hair. 


5. What is the healthiest hair care routine?

Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining healthy hair. As I said before, they don’t happen overnight. It is important to establish and follow a proper hair care routine. If you want to achieve long-term results. 

That being said, your hair care routine doesn’t need to have never-ending steps. It can be as simple as oiling your hair and washing them regularly. It can also include treating your hair with some nourishing hair mask. 

It all comes down to using the right products, and incorporating treatments or masks into your routine as needed. Remember to be gentle with your hair and avoid any harsh pulling or tugging while styling or detangling. 

Consistency in your hair care practices will help promote overall hair health and ensure that your hair looks its best at all times.


6. Do wooden combs increase hair growth?

While we are talking about detangling, let’s talk about hair breakage too. Hair breakage is common, it’s not something to worry about. But using plastic, narrow teeth combs can easily turn normal hair breakage into excessive hair loss which is not a good indicator of healthy hair. 

Hence, to prevent hair breakage, make sure you use a wide-toothed wooden comb instead of a brush when detangling wet hair. There are immense benefits to using a wooden comb to keep your hair healthy. 


7. Does heat styling cause hair to thin?

Whether it’s your job or attending parties and functions, excessive heat styling can cause significant damage to your hair over time. 

Hence, make sure you limit the use of heat on your hair. This is one thing I swear by. I style my hair with a hair straightener only once a year, that too if the function is important to me. And I do not forget heat protectant before doing that. 

how to have healthy hair

If you have followed me on my Instagram, you will always find me styling my hair in some or the other braids. I have happened to love hair braiding over time, especially in the past few years. And it has definitely contributed to my hair health. 


8. What foods are good for healthy hair?

What you eat has a direct impact on your hair health. You cannot keep eating trash and complaining about your hair health. They don’t go well together. 

A well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is vital for promoting healthy hair growth. Start by including foods that are high in protein, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes, as protein is the building block of hair. 

Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. 

Vitamin A helps in the production of sebum, the natural oil that moisturizes your scalp and keeps the hair shafts hydrated. Good sources of vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach. 

B vitamins, such as Biotin and Niacin, are essential for promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss. Foods like eggs, nuts, and whole grains are rich in these vitamins. Iron, found in foods like leafy greens, is necessary for proper oxygenation of the hair follicles. 

Including these essential vitamins and minerals in your diet can significantly improve the health of your hair. Lastly, don’t forget to stay hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day, as dehydration can lead to dry and brittle hair.


9. How to protect your hair from the sun naturally? 

Just like your skin, your hair is prone to damage from the sun’s harmful UV rays. So whenever you spend time outdoors, protect your hair by wearing a hat or avoid sitting under the sun. This will help you to prevent dryness, color fading, and split ends.


10. Why should you avoid tight hairstyles? 

Tight hairstyles like ponytails, braids, and buns can cause tension and stress on your hair. This leads to breakage and hair loss. This is why I braid my hair occasionally. 

If you have long hair like me, it can be chaotic to keep your hair open all the time. In that case, you can part your hair and loosely braid them for everyday purposes. That’s what I do because hair buns or ponytails pull out my hair as if they’re in a relay race, one after the other. 

Hence, you should opt for looser hairstyles and avoid using tight rubber bands or accessories that can snag or pull out your hair. 

11. Why do you need to trim regularly? 

Up until middle school, my mom and my aunt always got me frequent hair cut. The maximum hair length I had until 13 years was shoulder length. 

It is because of those frequent haircuts in the initial years of my life that I have this long and healthy hair today. 

As an adult, I don’t get a haircut frequently. I do make it a to get my hair trimmed at least twice a year. This helps me to get rid of split ends, removes any damaged or weakened hair strands, and promotes healthy hair growth. 

Though it doesn’t promote hair growth, regular trims also keep your hair looking neat and prevent it from becoming dull and lifeless.


12. How important are sleep and stress management for hair growth? 

Sleep deprivation and stress have a serious impact on your hair’s health. Chronic stress can even lead to permanent hair problems like hair loss, thinning, and dullness. Hence, it is important to manage your stress not just for your hair but also for your overall wellbeing. 

You can start by engaging in self care activities that help you relax, such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Regular exercise will reduce your stress levels and improve your blood circulation, which in turn promotes hair growth. 

Also, aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Getting enough sleep is the easiest way to keep your hair strong and healthy. 

These small changes in your lifestyle can go a long way in maintaining healthy locks.


13. Should you limit the use of hair products?

While hair products such as gels, mousses, and hairsprays can help you achieve your desired hairstyle, excessive use of these products can lead to product buildup and weigh down your hair. 

I don’t even remember the last time I used a hair spray. Again, the frequency is like once a year. I love embracing natural hairstyles. They don’t just make me feel confident and radiant, they also add quality to my hair. 

how to have healthy hair

For example in this picture, I curled my hair using a bathrobe. DIY hair styling has been a big hit for my hair. I don’t have to use any chemical-loaded products. It makes my hair a treat for the eyes without digging a hole in my pocket and overspending on hair products. 

So if you use hair products at all, remember to use them sparingly and opt for lightweight, non-greasy formulas. 


14. What is the best method of drying hair?

Proper washing and drying techniques are essential for maintaining the optimal health of your hair. 

The biggest mistake I see so many people making is, they dry their hair by rubbing their towels vigorously on their freshly washed hair. 

Wet hair is fragile, they are more prone to breakage. So when you use your towels with so much pressure, you are leading your hair towards hair loss. Instead, you should gently squeeze out the excess water and pat dry with a soft towel. 

Next, avoid using heat styling tools on wet hair, as it can cause severe hair damage. Instead, let your hair air dry. 

I always, always allow my hair to dry naturally. Though it takes them an entire day considering the length and density of my hair, especially in winter. But I make sure that I plan my week around my hair wash day so that I don’t have to use a hair dryer. 

If this is not something you can do, then wash your hair on Sundays. Whenever possible, allow your hair to air dry naturally. 

Also remember to never, never comb your wet hair. Always detangle them with a wide-toothed wooden comb, after they’ve dried, as it will gently glide through your hair without causing any excess hair damage. 


15. What is a good homemade hair mask?

Treating your hair with a nourishing mask or treatment can do wonders for its health and appearance. 

Here is a simple DIY hair mask recipe that you can try at home. 

  • Mix one spoonful of curd, two tablespoons of honey, and one tablespoon of coconut oil in a bowl until you get a smooth paste. 
  • Apply this mask to your hair, start with the ends, and go up to the scalp. 
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes. 
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water and shampoo as usual.

Yes, it can get messy. So, I recommend that you do it in your bathroom. This mask is packed with nutrients that will moisturize and nourish your hair, leaving it soft, shiny, and healthy.


In conclusion, by incorporating my 15 daily hair care secrets into your routine you will have your answer to how to have healthy hair. 

These small changes will help you to achieve and maintain healthy and beautiful hair. 

The truth is hair care requires more than just using the right products. Plus, it doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. 

Remember, consistency is key, so make these practices a habit. Keeping your hair healthy involves adopting a holistic approach that encompasses various aspects of your lifestyle as you read above. 

So, embrace a healthy hair care lifestyle, and your hair will thank you with its radiance and beauty. These are the only “secrets” you need to flaunt the luscious locks you’re craving for.  

I hope you found this helpful and learned something new to take care of your gorgeous hair.