How to Wake Up Early Every Day? 9 Simple Steps to Make it Easy For You

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Do you struggle to wake up in the morning consistently? Imagine waking up afresh and working on your goals daily. Sounds interesting? In this blog, you will discover how to wake up early every day and set yourself up for a great day. 

They say that a great morning is the secret behind a great day. Well, truth be told, I have struggled a lot to get out of bed early morning. 

I feel like the young me who went to school at 7:45 am every day for 14 years of her life was just another person. Lately, especially after the pandemic, it became so miserable for me to wake up early and start my mornings on a positive day. 

This laziness not only impacted my work but also kept me feeling lethargic and tired all around the day until my partner took charge of my daily routine and got me back on track with my sleeping schedule. 

I’d say I still have a long way to go before I train my body clock to be awake and out of bed as early as possible. But, waking up at 6 or 7 is much, much better than leaving your bed at 10 or 11 am. 

Well, my partner is a morning person. He genuinely believes that waking up early is not just crucial for being productive throughout the day but it also keeps diseases away. 

So, ditch the snooze button and unlock the magic of mornings as I did! 

Dive into the secrets of early rising and transform your sleep struggles into sunrise serenity. 

When you wake up early you don’t just conquer the dawn, you also boost your brainpower. You get to seize the day – all before brunch. 

So, are you ready to trade your yawns for sunshine? Let’s go!


How to Wake Up Early Every Day? 9 Simple Steps to Make it Easy For You  

If you want to wake up early but you are struggling to do it, here are some of the things you should know and do:


What is the Significance of Waking Up Early Matters? 

As I said, waking up early is much more than getting out of your bed. 

When you learn how to wake up early, you add to your physical and mental well-being positively. It: 

You will also be able to avoid the morning frenzy and indulge more in your pursuits. For me, that pursuit is my yoga practice. For you, it could be anything: exercise, meditation, reading, or other creative hobbies. This prepares you for a more balanced and fulfilling day. 

By waking up early, you will have a better mood, increased metabolism, and increased immunity. You will be able to have healthier habits, be more prepared, and take charge of your day. 

Everyone’s chronotype (natural sleep-wake pattern) is different. But by waking up early you can make yourself accessible to many unique opportunities that late risers miss. 

While some people (like my partner) thrive as early risers, others function best with a later schedule. However, the key is to listen to your body and find a wake-up time that works best for you and your lifestyle.


How to Wake Up Early? 

Here are 9 best “wake up early” tips from my personal experience, that will help you to leave the bed and get started with your bed on a positive note. 

1. Adjust your sleep schedule

The preparation to wake up early should begin the night before. So when my partner and I sat down to improve my schedule, we knew where to begin. So, out of everything, my priority now is to be asleep by 10 pm or 10:30 pm maximum. I don’t sleep later than that. Of course, you will not start sleeping on time from Day 1. The key is to be in bed by 10 and prepare your body to sleep in time. 


2. Stick to a Sleep Schedule 

Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep and then go to bed. Wake up around the same time each day, even on weekends. When you follow a proper schedule that is easy to follow, you signal your body to adapt to it. This will maintain your circadian rhythm. 


3. Be mindful before you sleep 

Dedicate 30 minutes thinking about your affirmations and goals. I like to indulge in my self-reflection practices before I go to bed. This includes analyzing how my day went and also preparing my list for the next day. This way your subconscious mind will remind you to have something to do and will help you wake up early.


4. Take sleep quality seriously 

Address any sleep disturbances to ensure deep, restorative sleep. Given that I share my room with my brother, I try my best to create a conducive environment for me to be in bed by 10 pm. 


5. Minimize Screens

Blue light emitted from screens disrupts your sleep cycles. Hence, try to a6. void screens for at least an hour before bed. 


6. Create a Sleep Sanctuary 

I ensure that my bedroom is dark, cool, and quiet. I have done this by investing in blackout curtains, earplugs, and a comfortable mattress that lets me sleep peacefully.  


7. Stay hydrated

I always carry a bottle of water with me throughout the day and I keep it beside my bed at night too. Drinking a glass of water before sleeping kickstarts your metabolism.


8. Make your bedtime routine fun 

Take a warm bath, refresh yourself, and listen to calm music or guided meditations to help you sleep early. 


9. Avoid alcohol before bed 

I have never touched alcohol in my life. But, I have seen it affect the people around me. This has strongly impacted my views on it. So, I don’t see myself indulging in any conversations around it. I stand strong on the fact that’s a serial killer and it can ruin your life for no good. As far as sleep is concerned, yes it interferes with your sleep quality.

How to Wake up Early: Know What Suits You

Know Your Sleep Chronotype: You can read more about it here

  1. Early birds: Thrive in the early mornings, feeling energized and focused before noon.
  2. Night owls: Peak after sunset, finding their groove in the late evening and night.
  3. Somewhere in between: Fall somewhere on the spectrum, with flexible sleep-wake preferences.

Listen to Your Body:

  1. Your Sleep Needs: Pay attention to how much sleep you naturally crave to feel refreshed. Most adults need 7-8 hours. I follow a sleep pattern that gets me 8 hours of sleep. 
  2. Energy levels: Observe when you naturally feel alert and focused, and when you tend to dip. Even though I identify myself as a night owl and it has been a little difficult waking up early, early morning work hours have shown me how impactful they are. Working in those hours really takes most of my stress away. 
  3. Appetite: Notice your natural hunger cues and how they align with your wake-up and sleep times. Even though I wake up early, I don’t feel hungry in the morning hours. 


How to Wake Up Early Using Technology?

You can use technology to enhance your sleep to wake up early. Here are some you must look out for: 

1. Upgrade Your Mornings with Smart Alarms

Are you tired of the rude awakening from your traditional alarm clock? Smart alarms will revolutionize your wake-up routine. They are your ticket to peaceful mornings. Here are some sounds you can try: 

  • Rise like the sun: No more blaring clocks! Imagine waking up to a gentle glow gradually brightening your room, just like a real sunrise. It’s the ultimate snooze-free way to ease into your day.
  • Nature Sounds: Ditch the harsh beeps for the calming sounds of nature. Ocean waves, chirping birds, or a soft rain shower. Find the perfect melody to melt away your sleep and welcome you to the day.
  • Vibration Alarms: Forget the bed-shaking buzz. Swap the disruptive beep for a subtle vibration on your bedside table. No more startling jolts or disturbing your partner – just a gentle nudge to rouse you.
  • Smart Snooze: Break the snooze cycle. Smart alarms analyze your sleep cycles and adjust the snooze interval accordingly so you wake up refreshed, not groggy.

So ditch the old-school alarm clock drama and upgrade to smart mornings. You deserve a gentle awakening that leaves you feeling calm, rested, and ready to seize the day with a smile. 


2. Build Habits for Early Rising:

Early rising offers a treasure trove of benefits, from productivity to improved mood. But conquering the dawn requires more than just setting an alarm.

  • Small Changes, Big Impact: Don’t attempt to conquer Mount Everest in one leap. Start small and build momentum gradually. 
  • Gradual Adjustments: Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier every few days. Allow your body and sleep cycle to adjust gradually.
  • Focus on Consistency: Prioritize consistency over perfection. It’s okay to hit snooze occasionally. But strive for consistency most days to solidify the habit.
  • Minimize Disruptions: Prepare your environment for success. Ensure your bedroom is dark, cool, and quiet. Avoid late-night screen time to promote undisturbed sleep.


How to Make Waking Up Early Sustainable? 

So, you’ve tasted the magic of mornings – the quiet focus, the peaceful productivity, the sunrise glow that whispers, “Today is yours.” But keeping that early bird song going? That can be tricky. Trust me, I have been there. I have struggled with it and I am learning to conquer it one morning at a time. 

Let’s dive into some sneaky tips to make early rising a seamless part of your daily symphony:

1. Start Small, Grow Tall 

Don’t jump from snooze button symphony to rooster crow concerto. Even if you try, you’ll be back to your usual wake-up time the next day. So, inch your wake-up time 15-30 minutes earlier each day until you reach your dream sunrise serenade. Your body (and brain!) will thank you.


2. Sunrise Salutation

Ditch the harsh alarm for a gentle wake-up call from the sun. Open those curtains and let the light in! It regulates your sleep cycle and whispers, “Time to rise and shine!”


3. Fuel Your Focus

Skip the snooze for a glass of water and breakfast that packs a punch. Protein and complex carbs keep you energized, not crashing like a sugar rollercoaster. I don’t like eating early morning especially when I have had a peaceful sleep. 


4. Tame Your Distractions 

Put your phone in airplane mode, silence the notifications, and resist the urge to multitask. This laser focus on your morning mission lets you conquer tasks and feel super productive. After my yoga hour, I like to lock my phone away for an hour or two and sit with my laptop to work on my most important tasks of the day. 


5. Celebrate Your Wins

Waking up early is a win in itself! So, pat yourself for conquering the snooze button or finishing that morning task. Feeling good about your progress keeps you motivated. 


6. Find Your Sunrise Tribe

Share your early-rising journey with others! I do that by sharing it with, you guessed it, my partner. You can join online communities, find a morning workout buddy, or chat with fellow early birds. After all, supportive friends make any adventure more fun.


7. Embrace the Journey

Some days will be sunshine and birdsong and others might be cloudy with a chance of a snooze button. I have both these days as I have started adjusting my schedule. That’s okay! Be gentle with yourself, adjust your routine as needed, and remember that sticking with anything in the long run takes time and practice.

Know that these tips are a toolbox, not a rigid rulebook. Find what works for you, adjust along the way, and soon, you’ll greet the dawn with open arms and a smile, ready to seize the day. 

Myths of Early Rising:

The allure of early rising beckons, promising productivity, creativity, and an edge over the day. But amidst the hype, whispers of myths and misconceptions can demotivate potential sunrise warriors. Let’s shed light on the truth, empowering you to make informed choices about embracing the dawn:

1. Myth: Everyone can become an early riser with enough willpower.

Reality: Chronotypes play a crucial role. Early birds naturally thrive on early mornings, while night owls excel later in the day. Forcing a drastic shift can harm your sleep quality and overall well-being.


2. Myth: Early rising guarantees increased productivity.

Reality: While some find their peak focus in the morning, forcing productivity before your natural peak can be counterproductive. Listen to your body and schedule demanding tasks for your most energized hours.


3. Myth: Early rising means missing out on social life.

Reality: Adjust your social activities! Early dinners, weekend brunches, and mindful scheduling ensure you don’t become a hermit. Prioritize quality time with your loved ones, regardless of the sunrise.


How to Adjust Early Rising to Your Lifestyle?

Here are two things you should keep in mind when you are trying to adjust waking up early to your present lifestyle: 

  1. Gradual Shifts: Don’t attempt to conquer Mount Everest in one leap. Start small, adjusting your wake-up time by 15-30 minutes every few days, allowing your body to adjust gradually.
  2. Respect your natural rhythms: Some mornings will be easier than others. Be flexible, prioritize adequate sleep, and avoid feeling guilty if you need to hit snooze occasionally. 
  3. Build a Supportive Routine: Create a pre-sleep and morning routine that signals to your body it’s time to wind down or wake up. Dim lights in the evening, engage in calming activities and greet the day with sunlight and healthy habits.


Waking up early isn’t a competition, it’s a fun exploration. Some days you will greet the sun head on other days you might wake up a lot later. There is nothing to worry about. Be kind to yourself and keep tweaking your routine until you get a desired timeline for yourself.  

Don’t let anyone force you into a one-size-fits-all schedule. Find what makes your sleep tick and your mornings sing. 

The goal is to wake up feeling like a superhero, ready to conquer the day, not just to check boxes on a list. 

So, rise and shine at your rhythm, savor the power of a rested mind, and discover your awesome way to greet the dawn.