11 Practical Ways For You to Heal Heartbreak

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Are you someone who got your heart broken recently? You don’t know how to get over them? Do you feel you are still stuck on them? Don’t know how to live your life normally again?  Follow through the blog to learn some ways that will help you heal heartbreak. 

Heartbreaks can be incredibly painful and challenging at the same time. The time spent in healing them is even more unbearable. It becomes difficult to navigate your life after that special someone is no longer a part of your life.  

Whether it’s the end of a romantic relationship or even the loss of a close friendship, you need time to heal your broken heart. You need to be patient with yourself, and support, all at the same time. In those moments, it may seem impossible for you to imagine ever finding happiness or peace again. 

However, you need to remember that healing is not only possible but also essential for your well-being. It is through the process of healing that you have the opportunity to grow, learn, and indulge in self discovery while healing and moving on from the past.

According to a study, it may take up to 11 weeks to get over someone. However, I do believe that it varies from person to person. 

In this blog, let’s explore 11 such practical ways for you to heal heartbreak and move forward that lead to a happier and healthier life for you and the people around you.


11 Practical Ways For You to Heal Heartbreak

Heartbreaks are an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s the end of your romantic relationship, the loss of a loved one, or the disappointment of unfulfilled expectations, heartbreaks can leave you feeling devastated and lost.

I remember when I went through the lowest phase of my life, it felt as if my world had come crashing down. I thought I would never get over it, as if I would never be able to live with it. 

Not only did I get over it, but I also forgave the person and moved on in my life. 

The truth is healing from heartbreaks is possible, and there are some practical steps that you can take to navigate through the pain. 

They help you come out stronger on the other side, making your pain your weapon. 

Here are some practical ways in which you can heal heartbreak, be it of any kind.

1. Heal Heartbreak: Allow Yourself to Grieve

When the heartbreak occurred, you may have made the mistake of numbing your mind and heart to that feeling of hurt. Don’t do it.

You need to acknowledge and honor your emotions and feel them completely. Give yourself permission to grieve the loss and accept that it has happened. 

Acceptance is the first step of the healing process. 

Don’t stop yourself from feeling bad if it’s coming from inside, feel all your raw emotions, and let them flow naturally. 

Just know that healing takes time and that it’s okay for you to feel a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, frustration, and confusion.

Don’t suppress your emotions, instead create a safe space for yourself to express them. Sit with your feelings, accept all of it, and then let it out. Let your heart express itself. 

Write in a journal, talk to a trusted friend, or seek the guidance of a therapist. But allow yourself to grieve. It is only after that, you can start the healing process and gradually find peace within. 


2. Heal Heartbreak: Practice Self Compassion

Blaming yourself for the heartbreak? Criticizing yourself? Stop it right now!!

After a heartbreak, you may experience self-blame, self-criticism, or even self-hate at a much higher level than before. Just know that this is a part of life, it’s not the end of it. 

Imagine a loved one in this situation. Then, treat yourself exactly how you would treat them; with love, kindness, and patience. 

Practice self compassion and treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to them. 

Remind yourself that everyone goes through difficult times. Know that you deserve love and compassion, especially from yourself at such times.

Challenge those negative self-talk traits and replace them with more optimistic words and affirmations. 

Focus on your strengths, accomplishments, and qualities that make you unique. 


3. Heal Heartbreak: Seek Support from Loved Ones

You may feel like you’ve no one to share your feelings with because you’ve been feeling lost all this time. Open your eyes. Look around yourself, you have your friends, your family, and your siblings.

Surround yourself with the people who love you. This can significantly contribute to your healing process. 

Reach out to your loved ones and let them know what you’re going through. Share your feelings and allow them to provide you comfort and support while you are healing. 

Talking about your heartbreak can help you gain perspective, process your emotions, and feel less alone. 

Plus, your loved ones can offer guidance, and advice, and share their own experience with you. 

I confided in my best friends when I hit rock bottom. They were there with me to get through it and to listen to all my rants and vents. 

The least they can do is listen to you. Don’t hesitate to lean on a trustworthy shoulder during this challenging time. 


4. Heal Heartbreak: Take Time for Self-Care

When you suffer from heartbreak, the first thing that you sacrifice is yourself. Your health, be it physical, mental, or emotional health. They all deteriorate when you don’t take care of yourself. 

That’s why self-care becomes even more crucial when dealing with heartbreaks. Give yourself the care you need. Focus on activities that help you nourish your mind, body, and soul. 

Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as 

Prioritize your physical and emotional well-being by getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, and engaging in regular exercise. 

Taking care of yourself will not only boost your mood but also contribute to your overall healing process.


5. Heal Heartbreak: Create a Supportive Routine

Don’t want to get out of your bed?

Don’t want to get anything done?

Don’t even have the energy to get yourself breakfast?

Don’t have the energy to do simple chores?

I get you. I have been there. 

What you need the most right now is a proper routine, yes!! It’s not just a routine but ‘THE’ routine that’ll help you get out of your weird phase. 

Establish a daily routine that’ll provide you with structure and stability to your day during a heartbreak. Add activities that promote healing and personal growth to your schedule. 

Set short-term goals for yourself, such as journaling, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in other creative pursuits.

Having a routine can help you distract your mind from dwelling on the pain and give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment after the completion of your schedule and daily activities.

6. Heal Heartbreak: Focus on Your Growth

Your heartbreak may make you feel like your life’s on a weird path and it’s just getting worse with time. But, you need to see this time as an opportunity to focus on your personal growth. 

Use this time to reflect on your experiences, identify any unhealthy patterns or behaviors, and work on improving yourself. 

Emphasize the lessons you’ve learned from the incident that caused the heartbreak and how you can apply them to your future connections. 

Engage in activities that promote your personal growth, such as taking courses, learning new skills, or pursuing interesting hobbies that ignite your passion. 

By investing in yourself, you can cultivate a stronger sense of self and attract healthier relationships in the future.


7. Heal Heartbreak: Practice Mindfulness & Acceptance

Mindfulness and acceptance are two such powerful tools that heal heartbreak. 

Practice living in the moment and accepting your emotions without any judgment. Allow yourself to experience the pain and discomfort without trying to resist or suppress it.

Engage in mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing, meditation, or body scans, to cultivate a sense of calm and self-awareness. 

You can even try Mandala meditation if you feel meditation is too much for you, it’s a simple way to gain the benefits of meditation while taking away any extra stress from your mind.

Practice mindfulness in thinking about what you feel, why you feel, and what you can do to make it better. 

By accepting your emotions and letting go of resistance, you can create space for healing and growth.


8. Heal Heartbreak: Set Boundaries and Limit Contact

Maintaining distance and setting boundaries with your ex-partner or former friend is crucial for healing. Limiting contact can help you prevent reopening wounds and allow you to focus on your healing journey.

Consider unfollowing or muting them on social media for some time to avoid constant reminders. 

If necessary, communicate your boundaries with them directly and kindly explain that you need space to heal. Setting boundaries will protect your emotional well-being and aid you in the healing process.


9. Heal Heartbreak: Engage in Positive Self Reflection

You’ve got too much time with you? Use it wisely! Use it to reflect on your own needs, desires, and values. 

Consider what you want in your future relationships and identify any patterns or behaviors that may have contributed to the end of the previous one.

Reflect on the lessons you’ve learned from the heartbreak and how you can apply them to your personal growth. 

Use this opportunity to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and build a stronger sense of self-worth.


10. Heal Heartbreak: Embrace New Experiences and Opportunities

While healing a broken heart, it’s essential to embrace new experiences and create new opportunities for yourself

Get out of your comfort zone and try new activities that you’ve always been curious about. 

Explore new places, meet new people, and allow yourself to expand your horizons, don’t keep yourself closed to avoid any hurt in the future. It all comes down to experience with life. 

When you embrace new experiences, you open yourself up to new possibilities and create a sense of excitement and adventure in your life. It also helps shift your focus away from the past and towards a brighter future.


11. Heal Heartbreak: Practice Gratitude and Positivity

When you cultivate an attitude of gratitude, it greatly aids in your healing process. Take time each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for, whether it’s the support of your loved ones, moments of joy in your everyday life, or your personal achievements. 

Focus on the bright side, the positive aspects of your life, and practice positive thinking. Challenge your limiting beliefs and replace them with thoughts that embrace self-love, resilience, and hope. 

By shifting your mindset towards gratitude and positivity, you can cultivate a more optimistic outlook on life.


Extra tip- Seek Professional Help if Needed

Healing a broken heart can be a complex and challenging process. If you find yourself struggling to cope with the pain or experiencing prolonged feelings of sadness and hopelessness, consider seeking professional help. 

There’s no shame in seeking help if your mental health is at stake.

A therapist or counselor can provide guidance, support, and tools to help you navigate through the healing process. 

They can help you gain insight into your emotions, develop healthy coping strategies, and facilitate your journey towards healing and growth.


Healing from heartbreaks is a deeply personal and transformative journey for every person. I hope that by implementing these 11 practical ways to heal heartbreak, you can nurture your emotional well-being and find the strength to move forward in life, towards a better and happy life.

Remember, healing takes time, and everyone’s journey is unique. This is the time when you need to be gentle with yourself and trust that brighter days are ahead. 

Be patient with yourself and more than that be patient with the time, know that as you heal you’re only headed towards a brighter and uplifting future.