51 Simple Tips to Declutter Your Home Before the New Year

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Another new year is looking at us. With all the excitement to welcome this new season of your life, make sure your home is clean to accept all the prosperity and fortune too. To help you do that, in this blog, I have 51 simple tips to declutter your home before you wish “Happy New Year” to your loved ones. 

Decluttering your home is not just limited to the usual festive home renovation or a casual new paint. It is so much more than that. 

This process of decluttering your home gives you clarity. It makes you more organized. Thus, it is important to take it seriously. 

This decluttering spree isnot just limited to a quick whitewash. It is about removing things that do not serve any purpose in your life, emotionally or physically. 

With that, are you ready to set your new year for success by decluttering?


51 Simple Tips to Declutter Your Home Before the New Year 

As the New Year approaches, the prospect of a fresh start often begins at home. 

So, let’s dive into these 51 simple yet effective tips to declutter your home and pave the way for a rejuvenated living space in the coming year.


Declutter Your Living Room:

1. Keep Commonly Used Items Accessible: Keep your often-used things in easy-to-reach places to make your living room less messy. This also helps you find them quickly.

2. Declutter Your Duplicates: Get rid of things you have extra copies of. This makes the room neater and less crowded, making it easier to find what you need.

3. Organize Your Cables: Use cable organizers to keep your wires detangled. They add a neater look to your electronics and are easier to use.

declutter your home

4. Prioritize Functionality: Make sure the things you have in the room are actually useful. This will help to keep it tidy and make everything you have there helpful.

5. Use Table for Organization: Tables help you keep things in the right places, making the room look tidy and nice.


Declutter Your Bedroom:

6. Organize Your Wardrobe by Clothes Size: Put your clothes in order by size. This will help you find what you want to wear easily and keep your room clean.
7. Use Hangers: Use multi-layer hangers to save more space in your wardrobe and keep your clothes wrinkle-free. 

how to declutter your home

8. Use Shoe Racks: Keep your shoes on designated racks to keep your room tidy. This also makes your footwear last longer.

9. Throw Away Old Bedsheets and Worn-out Stuff: Get rid of your old bedsheets and furniture clothing that are too worn-out to use anymore.


Declutter Your Washroom:

10. Dispose of Expired Products: Check dates on daily hygiene utilities like soap and medicine to keep your washroom clean and safe.

11. Prioritize Functionality: Double check that things in the washroom work well. It is more important than how they look. This is how your washroom stays safe.

12. Throw Away Unused Towels: Declutter your home by keeping only the towels you need to keep the washroom tidy and organized.

13. Keep Only Useable Items in the Bathroom: Keep only the things you use often in your bathroom. This way you keep it free from unnecessary stuff.

Declutter Your Kitchen:

 14. Clear Unwanted Fridge Magnets: If your fridge magnets do not add to the look of your refrigerator or do not serve memories anymore, it’s better to clear them.

15. Purge Old Utensils: Utensils can add to your kitchen clutter without you even realizing it. So, make sure you keep only the important cooking tools to make it easier to find things and keep the kitchen less crowded.

16. Organize Your Pantry: Throw away any expired stored food and put similar food items together to help you find things easily. This also helps you to stop food from going bad.

17. Prioritize Functionality: Only include utilities that add to your kitchen’s optimal functioning and help you in cooking.

18. Use Racks to Store Stuff: Use special racks to keep your kitchen items in order, so there’s more space and your countertops are clean.

declutter your home

Declutter Your Garage:

19. Clean Your Car: Take your car for service to get it deep cleaned inside-oiut. Take out extra things from your car and keep only the important things to make the garage look nicer and the car work better.

20. Throw Out Unused Materials: Your garage is home to many tools and technical utilities. Get rid of things that you don’t use or the ones that don’t work anymore. This leaves more space making it easier to find what you need in the garage.

21. Keep Your Equipment in Place: Put your tools where they belong. This makes the garage look neater and keeps it from being messy.

22. Keep Versatile Tools: Keeping multi-functional tools. This helps you need fewer tools and keeps the garage less crowded.

23. Use Baskets and Wooden Boxes: Use special baskets and boxes for tools to help you keep things organized. 


Declutter Your Work Space:

24. Declutter Your Digital Files: If you’re like me, your entire work progress is saved on your drive or cloud. As you declutter your home, set aside some time to declutter your digital files and make your space for your new projects. 

25. Clear Your Desk Space: Use desk organizers to declutter your work table and keep your space more organized. 

declutter your home

26. Sort Your Paperwork: If possible, turn your on-paper information into PDFs or throw away unnecessary papers that make the room less messy and help us work better.

27. Prioritize Multifunctional Tools: Use tools like these to help you save more space and make it easy for you to work.

28. Declutter Your Library: As you declutter your home, it is also a great time to update your library. Giveaway books that you have read to make more space for the new ones. 

Declutter Your Home: General Tips

29. Stop Cluttering: As you tidy your home don’t make a big mess. If you have kids, teach them to keep their toys in their place. Don’t leave your things scattered around. 

30. Get Rid of Unwanted Stuff: Declutter the items you don’t use and put them away. Making a list helps you to know what to give away to keep your space clean

31. Identify what you want to keep: Choose the toys and clothes you love to keep them safe. Knowing what’s special and keeping it safe is as important as throwing away what you don’t want. Pick your favorites to make your room special.

32. Stop Waiting, Just Start: You don’t need to wait for the right time. Begin cleaning up right away without waiting for a special time. Start tidying your things now, you don’t have to wait until December to do it! 

33. Minimalize Your Lifestyle: Embrace minimalism, prioritize simplicity and functionality over excessive possessions.

34. Avoid recreational shopping: Don’t buy things just for fun. Unnecessary things only add to the clutter. Avoiding recreational shopping keep your place clean and not too full.

35. Build a Checklist: Make a list to help you clean step-by-step. It’s like drawing a map to help you clean.

36. Accept letting go of things you haven’t used: It’s okay to say bye to things you don’t use anymore. It makes space for other things you like.

37. Start small: Begin by cleaning small places first, then bigger ones later. It’s easier to start small and grow big. 

38. Keep only the things you need & love: Only keep things you need or love. That way, you won’t have too much stuff lying around.

39. Track the improvement-bothered-cleanliness: Look at how much cleaner your place is getting. It’s good to notice and feel happy about it.

40. Ask for help from people you trust: If you need help, ask someone you trust. They can help you feel good and give additional ideas to declutter your home. 

41. Simplify the process by using a system: Make a plan to clean simply. It makes cleaning easier.

42. Make it a journey, not a destination: Cleaning is a journey that keeps going. It’s not just one time; it keeps getting better.

43. Choose quality over quantity: Pick things that are really good quality instead of having lots of things. They last longer.

44. Learn to live with less: Be happy with having fewer, meaningful things. It’s nice to feel happy even with just a few things around.

45. Get rid of what doesn’t bring you joy: Remove items that don’t evoke joy or value, creating space for items that contribute positively to your life.

46. Sell: Dispose of your unwanted items through selling, donating, or responsibly discarding to reduce waste to not just declutter your home but declutter the planet too.

47. Donate: Consider donating items in good condition to help others and reduce environmental impact.

48. Burn: Discard unusable items through proper methods, ensuring responsible waste management.

49. Use a proper place to collect the things you want to declutter: Have a designated spot for things you want to clean up. It keeps everything together and neat.

50. Get rid of things that you will not use in the future: Throw away things you won’t use later. It saves space and keeps things tidy.

51. Limit decor pieces: Keep only items that add value or joy to the room. Keep decorations that make the place nice and happy. It makes the room look pretty and happy.


To declutter your home is not to just clean things up. It is a process you undergo that helps to improve your mental well-being. It promtoes a healthy lifestyle. 

As you implement these 51 tips to declutter your home before the new year, it will lighten your mind. 

Each tip will contribute to the end goal of decluttering. Be it placing it in the right place or removing it, every step will take you to a cleaner lifestyle.

The beauty of these tips lies in their adaptability and holistic approach. They don’t just target specific rooms or areas but encompass various facets of life. Be it organizing cables or embracing minimalism. 

If you follow these tips, you will not only have physical cleanliness but get mental clarity. 

The process makes you reflect on the things you own. It urges you to prioritize functionality, necessity, and joy over mindless accumulation of unwanted possessions. 

It prompts you to let go of attachments to unused items, making space for what truly matters. It emphasizes not just the end goal of a decluttered home, but the journey itself. 

These decluttering tips advocate looking at the whole process as a journey rather than a one-time task. It’s about developing habits that are conducive to a serene and fulfilling living space. 

The impact of these decluttering tips extends far beyond a tidy home. It’s about reclaiming your spaces, your time, and your mental peace. 

The tips will create an environment that radiates creativity, productivity, and well-being.

As you implement these tips, you will pave the way for a fresh start this year. A new year filled with renewed energy, clarity, and the joy of a decluttered home.

So, cherish the new environment as you begin the cleaning process to maintain a harmonious and clutter-free home. 

Start a new beginning with spacious and new energy in your decluttered home. Cheers to a clutter-free start to the coming year.

If you enjoyed this decluttering spree for your lovely space, here’s another new beginnings guide for you to step into the new year with full enthusiasm: Have You Made New Year Goals for 2025? Here’s How to Stick to Them