How Important is Quiet time? 10 Reasons to Create Quiet Moments Throughout the Day

Creating quiet moments in life can lead to several significant psychological and mental health advantages as you will read ahead. As you are continuously surrounded by noise daily, adopting silent moments can help you stimulate your brain and better understand things. It gives you a secure sense of peace. 

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Why Not Make Everyday Kindness Day? 17 Simple Ideas to be Kind Everyday

With World Kindness Day around the corner, you must ask yourself an important question – ‘How often do I practice being kind?’  Incorporating kindness into your everyday life would rarely be a priority. However, on personal reflection, I have found that being kind is crucial to developing your personality, communication skills, and relationships. 

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19 Strong Sedentary Lifestyle Risks Costing You Your Wellbeing

The Sedentary lifestyle risks have become a common problem in the present world. With advancements in technology and the rise of desk jobs, your way of living has become more inactive. In this blog, you will learn about the sedentary lifestyle risks that are costing you your well-being.  

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