Toxic Productivity Mindset: 8 Signs and 12 Ways to Overcome It

Toxic productivity is the urge to be productive every time, not only at work but in other areas of life too. You neglect other areas of life like your family, your hobbies, and even your health for it. You value productivity over these real treasures of life. This often leads to burnout, stress, and you constantly feel overwhelmed. 

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Unrealistic Beauty Standards: 8 Important Ways to Break Free From Them 

Breaking free from the grip of unrealistic beauty standards seems like a daunting task. Yet it is essential for your long-term well-being and self-acceptance. Here are some practical steps you can take to embrace your authentic self and challenge societal beauty norms:

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Wabi-Sabi Style: 9 Simple Ways to Adopt it in Your Daily Life 

In today’s over-competitive world, where everyone is trying to be the best, there is a quest for perfection. But, the ancient Japanese tradition teaches something exactly opposite and more reliable: The Wabi-Sabi style. This is all about embracing the beauty of imperfection and transience. Let’s learn more about it. 

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