Self Improvement

How Can You Practice Self Compassion? | 10 Simple Tips + Prompts to Help You

When you have been living under a shell, it can be hard to practice self compassion. You can start your journey of being more kind and compassionate with yourself by moving one pebble at a time. All the self-love and self-acceptance won’t come overnight. It will take time but you have to continue cultivating it. 

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How to Improve Focus and Productivity? 8 Simple Steps to Guide You

You think you’re busy doing all the unproductive tasks when in reality you’re just procrastinating. Thus, here are 8 ways that will show you how to improve focus and productivity and get out of this loop of spinning your wheels:  

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What are the True Symbols of Friendship? 15 Signs to Identify a True Friend

True symbols of friendship can be hard to notice at the beginning of a new bond. But as time passes, people's habits and behavior reveal their true nature. Friends are the family we choose. Thus, it is important to appreciate and keep the real ones closer.  

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