7 Proven Life-Changing Mindset Shifts Towards Absolute Bliss

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Your life is a reflection of your own choices. Problems are inevitable. They are a part of the process. Sometimes you can fix them, sometimes you can’t. But, to respond to those misfortunes with courage is possibly in your control. The things that are out of your hands need freedom from your mind too. In this blog, you’ll get to know 7 crucial life-changing mindset shifts that can bring utmost peace and joy to you. 

A mindset counsels you toward a particular set of expectations. While mindset shifts may be difficult, it holds huge benefits. It focuses on your pattern of thinking, behavior, and the decisions you make.

Your mindset shift is supposed to replace your negative self-talk. It is meant to remove the negative beliefs from your mind and replace them with positive and productive thoughts. 

Your mindset holds immense power. Either you can operate it to reframe your challenges or you can dwell upon negativity and let it consume you. A mindset shift guides how you interpret the circumstances and respond to them. 

Don’t mistake it as your responsibility by taking the blame for every mishappening. Instead of nurturing a victim mentality, focus on what you can change.  Learn to regulate your emotions, even in difficult times. The key is to be vigilant with your decisions and choices. 

Mindset shifts are a major undertaking but are highly significant in life. This is because, most of the time your brain is filled with negative beliefs. Right from your childhood, you must have been taught some false narratives. Due to this the brain easily gets influenced by negative thinking. 

Thus, it becomes essential to adapt to the change for your growth. Building a growth mindset also requires a change in actions. So, let’s learn the 7 profitable mindset shifts that will benefit you in the long run and help you stay on track in life. 


7 Proven Life-Changing Mindset Shifts Towards Absolute Bliss

Adaptability towards change is crucial for creating the life you desire. While a negative mindset makes you feel defeated, a positive mindset lets you enjoy the unexpected which leads you to experience bliss. 

Mindset is a reflection of how you see the world. A strong mindset helps you to operate from a scarcity to an abundance mindset.

The key is to embrace better beliefs to make mindset shifts. Your mind rationalizes everything. Things start to fall into place once you start expecting good and working towards it. Thus when you nurture positivity, your mind will automatically find evidence to support you. 

Adapting mindset shifts is challenging as your negative thoughts will get in your way. To deal with this, you must know how to challenge your limiting beliefs. Don’t let these thoughts stop you from tapping into your full potential. 

Now, let’s take a look at the 7 most crucial mindset shifts that will help you to establish a new vision for your future. 

7 Life-Changing Mindset Shifts For You

You require mindset shifts when you feel no motivation in your life. Seek it when you feel things are going out of balance. Break the chains that are binding you to achieve your goal. Sometimes it’s your fear that holds you back from achieving your desired future. 

All your thoughts affect everything you do. If you want success then it’s important to develop a winning mindset. A mindset shift is not only beneficial to boost your confidence but it improves your relationships too. You’ll attract more people towards you with your positive aura.  

Once you make mindset shifts you’ll start seeing the positive response. You’ll improve your creativity which results in better results towards your goals and aspirations. Therefore, a change in mindset can improve your outlook toward life and lead to fulfillment. 

Here are 7 proven life-changing mindset shifts that can help you determine your success and improve your quality of life. 


1. Shift From a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset 

A fixed mindset makes you believe that skills and talent are inborn. If you fail at something, you probably won’t be able to accomplish that ever again. A growth mindset, on the other hand, is a belief that you build your real potential through your maximum efforts and hard work. 

  • A fixed mindset considers failures as a drawback whereas, a growth mindset considers failures as temporary setbacks. 
  • A fixed mindset avoids taking on challenges whereas, a growth mindset embraces new challenges. 
  • With a fixed mindset, you will hide your flaws whereas with a growth mindset, you will believe in working hard and mastering your skills
  • The fixed mindset believes that learning is pointless whereas a growth mindset believes in learning new things. 
  • A fixed mindset keeps envy towards others’ success whereas, a growth mindset gets inspired by other’s success. 

Therefore, a mindset shift is essential to break all the limitations you have in your mind. 


2. Value Your Efforts 

You are forced to believe that those who are successful already have the inbuilt abilities. Moreover, if you are seen putting effort into things then, you are considered a hustler or dumb. 

But all these are false narratives. The truth is the more effort you put in, the more you tend to achieve success. Even those who are successful have had a lot of failures and experiments throughout their life. Consider these factors as you learn to acknowledge and value your efforts. 

  • Reframe your goals and approach to achieve success.
  • Empower yourself and only focus on the efforts, not the outcome.
  • If needed, adjust your plans and reframe the idea of efforts.
  • If required, find inspiration in others’ ideas of success. This might boost your confidence and motivation. 
  • Avoid procrastination and work hard to achieve your desired results in life. 

Mindset shift teaches you to value your efforts and build a successful life. Celebrate your small wins and achieve bigger goals. 


3. Strive to Find Opportunities in Failures

Empower yourself to believe in the change and look for opportunities even in challenging situations. 

Once your mindset shifts, everything in the outside world also changes along with it. Look for learning even through the rejections. Rejections are part of the process and you should not give up on your goals just because a few people didn’t align with them. 

I have been onto my new goals for two months now and after staying consistent with my efforts for all this time, after facing 100s of rejections, I finally got my foot in the door this week. Imagine, if I had given up last week as I wanted to. I wouldn’t be writing about “the success part” here today. So. don’t let a few failures keep you away from your real wins.

Don’t restrict yourself to the fear of failure. Remember, it’s only courageous to power through the tough times. Here are a few ways that can help you create opportunities in failures:

  • To make better decisions in life, identify your limitations.
  • Develop resilience to overcome difficult scenarios.
  • During your low time, consider taking advice from positive people. For me, my partner is that person. 
  • Attain flexibility by changing your approach to reach your goal.


4. Know That Progress Beats Perfection Always

You are the only one responsible for carving your path. So, it’s necessary to enjoy your journey and celebrate your progress. Consider failures as your second chance to rectify your mistakes and come back stronger. 

You might waste your time thinking about the things you couldn’t achieve. Rather, focus on the progress and efforts you made. Even if your progress is as small as moving the needle towards your goal, acknowledge it. Remember, slow progress is progress too. 

Evaluate the gap between your present and your future. This way, you won’t give up easily. Also, stop comparing your journey with others. Be persistent and re-evaluate your plans to succeed. 


5. Choose Curiosity Over Defensiveness

Do you always love to hear criticism and unbiased feedback? 

No right? The truth is it’s essential to hear feedback and constructive criticism from others. It only adds to your overall improvement. 

  • It improves your overall performance
  • It improves your relationships with others
  • It improves your opportunities of self discovery
  • It increases your scope of personal development 

Hence, be curious to take feedback and critiques. This helps to give you an insight into what you lack. 

In the beginning, it might be difficult for you to take criticism. However, believe that constructive criticism is only given by those who want you to succeed in life. 


6. Don’t Let Success Overpower Your Humility 

Humility makes you focus on the things that matter. It is very important to channel your success in the right direction. Humility only brings more success and it motivates you to keep going and keep working towards your goals

Remember, regardless of the huge success, there is always someone ahead of you. Consider your success as a privilege and blessing. Although, in the blink of an eye, it could be gone. 

The selfless smile, one helping hand toward others, and humbly connecting to others. All this adds to make you a great leader in your field.


7. Be Grateful and Empathetic

Be grateful for the opportunities you have had in your life. Build your perception with a positive outlook. Believe that life may not be easy, but it is fun and exciting. 

Success and happiness are correlated with a mindset shift. Practice positive affirmations to train your mind to believe that things are happening for your greatest good.

Be empathetic towards others and yourself. 

When you stop complaining, you automatically attract abundance. 

Ask yourself this question: Will you lose something, if you don’t think positively? 

That’s it, the answer to this question, will act as a catalyst for you to think positively. 

Hence, all these activities will help you to shift your mindset. Now, let’s take a look at 5 book recommendations for mindset shifts.

Skim Through These 5 Astonishing Mindset Shifts Books 

Here are 4 books from my personal collection that have improved my mindset in the past 4 years as I started to work towards my dreams and goals. I hope this will help you too. 

  1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  2. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
  3. The Mindset by Dr. Carol S. Dweck
  4. Atomic Habits by James Clear
  5. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

mindset shifts books

Furthermore, check out 5 easy mental exercises that assist you in shifting your negative thoughts into positive ones.  


5 Incredible Mental Exercises for Mindset Shifts 

Regulate your brain with these 5 mental exercises for a mindset shift that will take you toward the other side of your story. 

  • Start prioritizing your personal development, embrace the change, and control your inevitable stress.
  • It is very important to live your life too. Do not just get crazy about materialistic things. Appreciate little things, experiences, and present moments in your life.
  • Start noticing one positive change daily. This way, you can guide your brain to consider changes and opportunities. 
  • Practice one self care activity. This habit will benefit your body, mind, and soul. For me, it’s yoga
  • Every idea is born to evolve. Thus, learn to adapt to changes and consider it as a normal progression.

10 Inspiring Mindset Shifts Quotes

  1. “Instead of bothering about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”- Roy T. Bennett
  2. “If ever you think that you are losing control of a situation just shift your mindset and watch your situation change.”- Dr. Amelia Rose
  3. “Having a strong mindset is the key to success.”- Atalay Aydin
  4. “With the right mindset we can’t lose, we either practice what we have learned or we learn what we need to practice.”- Noura
  5. “Whatever you plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion, will one day become a reality.”- Earl Nightingale
  6. “Changing your attitude, your outlook, your mindset, perspective, disposition or mood they all mean controlling where you allow your thoughts to linger.”- Richelle E. Goodrich 
  7. “Acknowledging the good you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”- Eckhart Tolle 
  8. “Once your mindset changes everything on the outside will change along with it.”- Steve Maraboli
  9. “A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.”- Joyce Meyer
  10. “When you are in a growth mindset what that means is that you choose to see struggle and challenge as an opportunity for growth and learning and development.”- Chris Bertram


Your mindset should match your desires. As your mindset improves, you’ll begin to feel more aligned and attuned to your goals. Mindset shift helps you to become more expressive in life.

Your mindset influences everything you do. Remember, between what has happened and how you react is your point to choose, to choose what you say or do. 

From the choice you make to your thinking, to your reactions. Initially, the whole journey may seem difficult but it’s just about, taking that first step. Initiate with baby steps. For instance, stop using statements like, “I have to get up and go to work”. Instead, say “I get to go to work.”

Believe in yourself to build your mindset. Mindset shifts hold the power to unlock your progressive change. By this, you get to learn to reframe your ideas and thoughts to be more successful.  

The only key to success is to be insightful, take necessary actions, and think positively. There is no need to avoid negative thoughts. Rather, be aware and catch the thoughts that make you feel vulnerable. 

As I said, in every situation of your life, you get a choice on how you react to negativity. Nothing changes overnight. But at least practicing mindset shifts can help you reach your desires one day at a time.